Business Magazine

The Week Ahead – Election Looms Large

Posted on the 19 October 2020 by Phil's Stock World @philstockworld

The Week Ahead – Election Looms LargeTwo weeks to go.

Two weeks ago the S&P was down at 3,350, down about 4% from where we are now so don't get complacent – especially into the elections and ESPECIALLY when Global Covid Cases topped 40M this weekend with 8.15M in the US and growing at 0.05M per day along with 220,000 deaths.

You KNOW Trump is lying about the virus, you KNOW Trump has been lying about it since day one.  You KNOW Trump is essentially doing nothing to stop it and I REALLY hate to be that guy every week but how can you let yourself be deluded by all this other nonsense when we are STILL right in the middle of a Global Crisis?  

The Week Ahead – Election Looms Large
Come on people, let's not rely on the lie to make us feel good.  This is the chart of how many people per 100,000 in the US are infected by the Corona Virus.  In May, I said I was very concerned because passing 1/250 (400 per 100,000) means that any time I went outside and walked down the street and walked into a store – I probably either passed an infected person or touched something they had touched and we now know the virus lasts a lot longer than we thought on surfaces.  

That was back in May.  Now it's October and 1/2,500 people were infected as we brilliantly ended our lockdown on Memorial Day Weekend to "save" Trump's economy and now 1/40 people are infected.  That means, if you go to a restaurant – even one that's 1/2 empty – you are likely there with an infected person and your children are in class with infected people and now you can't walk down the block without coming in contact with infected people and Trump is doing what to control it before it gets to 1/4 people?  What?  Name SOMETHING???

Our lives are at stake people – our actual lives!  220,000 Americans are dead an "only" 8M out of 330M have contracted the virus so far.  That means 40x more to go and 40x 2,200 is 8,800,000 dead – that's the entire population

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