My little girl recently celebrated her first birthday! One of her favorite books is The Very Hungry Caterpillar so her birthday party theme was based on this colorful book. Green Party Goods helped keep our daughter's party eco-friendly while still being bright and fun. This online retailer makes planning an environmentally friendly celebration easy with their large assortment of decorations, tableware, party favors and much more offered at affordable prices! We chose polka-dot themed tableware for our party with their adorable Happy Dots plates.
Next, we chose a set of polka-dot straws to pair up with the cute Happy Dots plates. These straws are made entirely of paper and are printed with soy based inks. I love the selection of straws they offer and it is such a nice alternative to standard plastic straws.
Lastly, we chose solid green biodegradable napkins. Green Party Goods' napkins come from either fallen trees or plantation wood (managed forests where trees are planted specifically for the production of paper materials). All of the forests are sustainable and their manufacturers are certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC).
It turned out to be a beautiful birthday that we will never forget and I highly recommend Green Party Goods for your next celebration! To learn more about Green Party Goods or to purchase party supplies head over to their website here:
Thank-you to Green Party Goods for providing the product mentioned in this post. Although I received these products free of charge, all opinions expressed are my own. See full PR Disclosure Statement in tab above.