The Two Political Parties are NOT the Same

Sure, campaign contributions can and do buy government representatives in the US in all states on every issue, definitely. If anyone gets that, it's me. I've been writing for a few years on how we need to kill campaign contributions.
But the fact is, if anyone in the US looks coldly and honestly at our US Congress, the representatives there and what they've written and done and who they've represented and defended and fought for, it's clear the Republican Party and their operatives have fought for and still are fighting for the wealthy and corporations far more than that other party.
Far more.
The CATO Institute and the Heritage Foundation and the Koch brothers and Waltons and others aren't all aligned with the Republicans and the Right Wing of this nation because they're fighting for the working man or the average man and woman on the street or the middle- or lower-classes. Not a chance.
And for proof?
Look no further than this list of things for the people, for the nation that the Democrats wrote and created:
- Social Secuity
- Medicare
- Medicaid
- The GI Bill
- Endangered Species Act
- Environmental Laws
- The Space Program
- The Peace Corps
- Americorps
- The Civil Rights Movement
- Earned Income Tax Credit
- Family & Medical Leave Act
- Consumer Product Safety Commission
- Americans With Disabilities Act
- Freedom of Information Act
- Women's right to control their reproductive future
- Allowing citizens to view their own credit records
- The Internet
- Balancing the federal budget
- The Brady Bill (5-day wait on handgun purchases for background checks)
- Lobbying Disclosure Act
- "Motor-Voter" Act
- The Voting Rights Act
- Unemployment Insurance
- Medicare/Medicaid
- Food Stamps/WIC
- Social Security
- Peace between Israel and Egypt
- Peace between Israel and Jordan
- The Department of Education
- The Department of Energy
- The Department of Transportation
- The Department of Housing and Urban Development
- Labor Laws
- The Marshall Plan
- Winning World War II
- Food Safety Laws
- Workplace Safety Laws
- The Tennessee Valley Project
- The Civilian Conservation Corps
- The Securites and Exchange Commission
- Women's Right to Vote
- Universal Public Education
- National Weather Service
- Product Labeling Laws
- Truth in Advertising Laws
- Morrill Land Grant Act
- Rural Electrification
- Public Universities
- Bank Deposit Insurance (FDIC)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Public Broadcasting
- Supporting the establishment of Israel
- The United Nations
The Republicans are against the Voting Rights Act and are, instead, trying to disenfranchise Americans and keep them from being able to vote. IN Texas alone, in the last election this year, it's been estimated that the Republicans' Voter ID laws--very Jim Crow like--kept 600,000 Texans from being able to vote.
Very American, eh? Very "Representative government" right?
So don't say the two parties are the same.
They're anything but.
More than 10 million Americans got health care insurance in the last couple of years, due to Democrats.
They're not the same.
No way.
I'll grant you, the money spent in and on elections makes them too similar but the differences, the wide differences, are still very much there.
And just now, Republicans are working on destroying Social Security. And Medicare. And Medicaid.
Finally,we need to stop seeing fellow Americans as "us vs. them." We need to all be Americans, working together for the benefit of America and Americans, all of us, and decidedly not just the wealthy and corporations as too many things have been in the last few decades, at least.
Link: What Have Liberals and Democrats Ever Done For Us?