Fashion Magazine

The Twelve Dates of Christmas!

By Koridonahue @blondeepisodes

Hey girls! PinkLouLou here! Thanks Kori for letting me guest blog for ya! 
Keeping up with the Christmasy theme we have going on here, I am gonna give you twelve fun date ideas for this jingly season! There is something about Christmas that is just so darn nostalgic, knowwhatimsayin? makes me want a cute man friend to smooch on real bad ;)
Here is a list of my must have Christmas-time dates. In no particular order, might I ad. 
1. The ice skating and hot chocolate date.
The Twelve Dates of Christmas!Here in Lexington, KY (woop woop!) we just got our first downtown outdoor skating rink. EEEK! Think Rockefeller center… ish. HA. ;) but seriously, how fun is skating outside in a park with pretty Christmas lights all around? Also, gives you time to have fun together and goof off. One of you is bound to fall, so jut keep that in mind and have fun! Follow it up with some hot chocolate from a street vendor or something. Heck, throw in some dark rum, make that hot chocolate reeallly nice.
2. The Love Actually movie date
The Twelve Dates of Christmas!

Hands down my FAVORITE Christmas movie ever made. Love it. It is the sweetest story, and oh so funny. Grab a bottle of pinot grigio and curl up on the couch with this Christmas classic. Usually I watch this movie by myself (there might be tears), ha, but just maybe this year, I can find a cute sir, and con him into watching it with me. TBD. 
3. The Angel Tree date
The Twelve Dates of Christmas!
Big fan of the angel tree. This is the season of giving, so why don't you and your date go pick a child off the angel tree. Use the money you would have used on dinner, drinks, entertainment blah blah and go pick out presents for a child who might not get any :(. It is so sweet, and will make you SO happy! Plus, you will have fun goofing off in the toy stores, I assure you ;)
4. Christmas Cookie Party Date
The Twelve Dates of Christmas!
Why not double date with another couple and have a christmas cookie party! Add wine of course. You will have fun getting in the spirit of Christmas by making cookies, and spending time with each other. Christmas music is a must, here are some of my favorites. The Twelve Dates of Christmas!
5. The check out Christmas lights Date
The Twelve Dates of Christmas!
Go find a big fancy neighborhood and drive around looking at Christmas lights! Your city might also have a public light display. Grab dinner and drinks after at some place cozy.
6. The decorate a tiny real tree date
The Twelve Dates of Christmas!
Now how many of you go cut your own tree? I am no expert here, and I have never done so, but how fun would it be to go cut a baby tree and decorate it. FUN. So go find you a cute little tiny tree and cut it down, strap it on top of your car a la Clark Griswold, and decorate it together! Make sure it isn't illegal or anything, I'd hate for you two to spend Christmas in the slammer. ;)
7. Go to NYC at Christmas.
The Twelve Dates of Christmas!
Now, I'm not sure what your budget is here, maybe you are dating a Jonas brother IONO,  but at some point you HAVE to be in NYC at Christmas time! It is gorgeous, and breathtaking. Go see the Rockettes. Wait in that long line and skate at Rockefeller Center. Wear cute outfits with furry ear muffs and walk hand in hand down the streets. Kiss outside in central park when it is snowing! 
Le sigh.
Love NYC at Christmas. It is magical. 
8. Build a snowman, duh. 
The Twelve Dates of Christmas!
Act like you are twelve. Build a snow man. Heck make it a modern snow man. Maybe you want to dress him up like Lady Gaga, I don't know. Have fun with it. 
9. Go to your church Christmas play. 
The Twelve Dates of Christmas!
It will make you feel all tingly inside. Plus nothing is cuter, or funnier than kids dressed up acting out the birth of Jesus. And if you are lucky you might see a performance like this one, or maybe get to make out behind the curtains? ;) Just thoughts people  
10. Shop the post Christmas sales! 
The Twelve Dates of Christmas!
Umm HI. Date shopping is so fun. Bonus? The word SALE. Make a whole day of it, maybe even go to a different city, do lunch, dinner whatever. It will be fun picking out things together :) 
11.  Go to the humane society and play with the puppies!
The Twelve Dates of Christmas!

The puppies know it's Christmas, they sure do, so go love on the ones that don't have homes this holiday season. They are SO darn cute, and it will just warm your heart! Only downfall here is you will more than likely come home with a four legged friend. 
Just sayin'. 
12. The skiing (or lack thereof) date
The Twelve Dates of Christmas!
People love to ski. I don't get it, but they do. 
I almost died in the mountainous region of Breckenridge a few years ago, and I haven't been on ski's since. True story. I prefer being a lodge bunny and drinking nom nom cocktails in tight pants and furry vests. I am slowly getting brave again, may try the bunny slopes soon, but I ain't makin' any promises ya hear? But a few days shacked up snuggly at a ski resort?
The Twelve Dates of Christmas!
What are some of YOUR favorite Christmas dates?? I would love to hear them! I hope everyone has a fantastic Christmas season!!! Get out there and have some special dates with your boyfriend, hubby, that new guy you've been eyeing, whoever, but HAVE FUN!! Make me proud! ;)
The Twelve Dates of Christmas!
Thanks to Allison for filling in and don't forget to get your Fashion Friday posts ready for tomorrow!  

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