What would this website be without the glorious help from other bloggers out there who spend more time producing content than thinking about producing content. One of those angels is Nostra from My Filmviews who puts the best blogathons, memes and similar gifts out there now and then. This time, it's another relay race...
A list of 10 iconic movie characters has been made. That list will be assigned to another blogger who can then change it by removing one character (describing why they think it should not be on the list) and replace it with another one (also with motivation) and hand over the baton to another blogger. Once assigned, that blogger will have to put his/her post up within a week. If this is not the case the blogger who assigned it has to reassign it to another blogger. After you have posted your update leave the link in the comments here and I will make sure it gets added to the overview post.Another angel is my desi girl Nik from Being Norma Jeane who was kind enough to tag me for this blogathon. I wasn't sure whether I'd dare to participate but okay then, let's get it on with.
The road so far
My FilmviewsKeith and the MoviesFlixChatterA Fistful of FilmsThe Movie ScrutineerCinematic CornerAnd So It Begins...The Cinematic SpectacleRambling FilmReel Talk
Defiant SuccessBeing Norma Jeane
The Ten
ROCKYI haven't seen this one yet so I'm unsure. He's not 'iconic' in my worldbut I am living in a world of few sports movies.
JAMES BONDUnquestionably iconic. Even as a kid who had never seen any of these, I remember using the line "Bond. James Bond".
ELLEN RIPLEYAlien fan for life. Since last Halloween.
E.T.It's weird how often the line "E.T. phone home" bustles around in my head.
DOROTHY GALEEven though this is another one I just recently caught up on,Dorothy is definitely über-iconic.
INDIANA JONESThe hat, the talk, the walk - everything about him fits the list, doesn't it?
DARTH VADEROne of the most iconic characters of any part of pop culture. Everyoneknows Darth Vader, he was the essence of Star Wars before I hadever seen any of the films.
MARY POPPINSCheeky, determined and loving, this perfect nanny has every rightto be here in this list.
MRS ROBINSONWhen a leg says everything - that's when you talk about an icon.
The Removal
HAN SOLOAs much as I am
The Rookie
BUZZ LIGHTYEARI really wanted to include an animated character here and there was no real question about it having to be either Woody or Buzz. Toy Story is just one of those truly iconic cinematic franchises that fascinates audiences of all ages. Choosing Buzz has to do with my experience as a long-time film illiterate who didn't watch the films until a year ago. Buzz was always the front-runner just like in the movies, he is featured most prominently on posters and in teasers and trailers you just get the sense that he's the biggest hero in the franchise. Of course, Woody has some great values too but Buzz is the epitome of the classic Hollywood hero - strong, humorous and brilliant. In a sense, he's a bit too much, which is why he's also a fun mock of classical heroes. Lastly, he has a Spanish counterpart. That's all I have to say.
I will now pass the honour/ trouble to the only thing I know about Portugal- Sofia from Film Flare (unexpected, wasn't it?).