Books Magazine

The Temporary Gentleman

By Drharrietd @drharrietd


If you asked me to name my favorite contemporary novelists, Sebastian Barry would be a strong contender for the top of the list. In fact his A Long Long Way, which I read in pre-blogging days, is one of the most stunning novels I've read in a lifetime of reading, and The Secret Scripture, which I reviewed here in 2008, comes a close second. So imagine my delight when The Temporary Gentleman appeared in time to be included in issue 1 of Shiny New Books. And I really loved it. 

If you'd like to see what I said about it, you can see my review here. And I was lucky enough to be able to ask him some questions about the novel, which appeared in our BookBuzz section -- here's the link to that. 

Shiny New Books is doing really well, thanks to all our great readers. Do come and visit if you haven't already, or revisit if you have!

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