
The Symptoms of Migraine

Posted on the 28 January 2023 by Umargeeks

We will learn about the topic of the article The Symptoms of Migraine. We will try to discuss and understand the topic in detail.

The Symptoms of Migraine:

The Symptoms of MigraineThe Symptoms of Migraine

The Symptoms of migraine are the topic of today’s article. We will try to discuss and understand the topic in detail. How can you know whether you have a migraine or are going to have one? Observe these indicators.

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According to StatPearls, 12% of Americans get migraines. They are among the most prevalent types of headache problems.

However, migraines go beyond “just” headaches. Other severe symptoms associated with the episodes, such as fatigue, nausea, and vomiting, can also occur. Days before the headache starts, you might start noticing symptoms like mood swings, trouble sleeping, and trouble concentrating.

Knowing the typical migraine warning symptoms will help you be ready for or attempt to avoid them if you suffer from them.

The Aura Migraine;The Symptom of Migraine:

According to a May 2020 study that was published in the journal Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports, about 30% of persons who have migraines suffer from aura before or during a migraine episode.

During a review from May 2019 that was published in the Journal of Headache and Pain, almost all persons with migraine auras suffer visual symptoms including flashing lights, zigzag lines, or blind patches.

A little over a third of those who experience auras may have hearing impairments including tinnitus (ear ringing), music, or sounds. In the May 2019 review, 10% of persons have linguistic changes, such as difficulty comprehending or locating words. Rarely, according to StatPearls, people will suffer motor auras accompanied by weakness on one side of the face or body.

The normal duration of an aura is five minutes to an hour. According to the May 2020 study, they may appear an hour after the headache or concurrently. Atmospheres can occur in certain persons even when no headache is present.

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Irritability, Excitement, or Depression About Migraine:

Mood swings may indicate a migraine attack. According to the American Migraine Foundation, they start in the prodrome phase, the initial stage of a migraine attack, which can begin hours or even days before the aura or headache stages (AMF). The prodrome lasts for several hours or days as opposed to 5–60 minutes, which makes it different from an Aura.

You can experience depression, annoyance, or hyperactivity. Other mood changes might occur as well; according to the AMF, prodrome symptoms differ greatly amongst individuals. According to research released in the Journal of Neuroscience in April 2015, some people experience euphoria, which is characterized by extreme excitement or delight.

In January 2016 paper in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, migraines are also linked to a greater incidence of mood disorders like melancholy, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). For instance, the likelihood of having depression is 2.5 times higher among persons who suffer from migraines. The same genetic risk factor may apply to mental problems as it does to migraines.

According to the National Library of Medicine’s MedlinePlus database, having psychiatric problems increases a person’s likelihood of developing chronic migraines, which are defined as having “15 or more headache days a month with eight of those days including migraine headaches.”

Not Getting Enough Sleep;The Symptom of Migraine:

People with migraines frequently have sleep disturbances or fatigue in the morning. It’s challenging to obtain a decent night’s sleep when migraines occur. According to Edmund Messina, MD, medical director of the Michigan Headache Clinic in East Lansing, “many patients will experience sleeplessness as a result of their migraine.”

This difficulty to fall asleep may the beginning of a downward spiral. According to a February 2022 study that appeared in the journal Frontiers in Neurology, sleep difficulties are also the migraine causes that mention the most frequently.

Nose Congestion or Watery Eyes; The Symptom of Migraine

According to Dr. Messina, some migraine sufferers have sinus symptoms such as a stuffy nose, clear nasal discharge, drooping eyelids, or weeping.

The AMF says, these symptoms frequently induce medical professionals to diagnose patients with sinus headaches, which are headaches brought on by a bacterial or viral sinus infection that go away seven days after the onset of sinus symptoms. Research from June 2019 and published in the Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care indicates that this is a typical migraine misdiagnosis.

The Appetite; The Symptom of Migraine:

Some people have cravings for specific meals right before a migraine episode. Chocolate is a frequent urge, according to Dr. Messina. But according to MedlinePlus, some cheeses and chocolate may also cause migraines.

Food cravings could also be a prodrome phase indication. What individuals think of as migraine triggers, such as chocolate, according to research published in January 2021 in the Journal of Neurology, may instead early migraine symptoms.

Throbbing Headache on One or Both Sides; The Symptom of Migraine:

Traditional migraine symptoms include pulsating pain. According to MedlinePlus, the majority of migraine sufferers only feel pounding pain on one side of the head.

The Eye Ache; The Symptom of Migraine:

According to the Office for Women’s Health, migraine pain frequently hides in the temples or behind one eye or ear (OWH). According to the April 2015 article, you could also experience it in the area around and inside of your eye.

According to Dr. Messina, although many people will visit an optometrist and attribute their headaches to eye strain, this won’t help them feel any better.

Neck Discomfort; The Symptom of Migraine:

“A common statement is “My neck gets tight, then I get a headache.” Well, the migraine is probably still in its early stages “explained Dr. Messina. Or, following a migraine, individuals may get neck discomfort or throbbing pain in the back of their neck.

According to MedlinePlus, you should get medical attention right away if you have a stiff neck coupled with a headache, fever, nausea, and vomiting since these symptoms might indicate a more serious illness.

Urination Frequently; The Symptom of Migraine

It may be a sign of an impending migraine if you frequently need to urinate. According to MedlinePlus, it’s one of the many symptoms patients encounter throughout the prodrome period. You could also have fluid retention. This happens when fluid builds up in the tissues and cavities of the body and may result in edema.

According to the April 2015 article, some people have frequent urination and diarrhea as the headache gets worse.

The Yelling; The Symptom of Migraine

Another sign that a migraine is going to attack is excessive yawning. In contrast to the typical “I’m sleepy” yawning, it may be excessive, uncontrolled, and occur frequently.

In research from September 2017 that publishes in the journal Headache, over 45% of migraine sufferers report yawning both during the prodrome phase and while they were having a headache. There was a higher likelihood of auras, nausea, and vomiting among people who yawned.

Tingling or Numbness; The Symptom of Migraine

A sensory aura experiences certain migraineurs. It is possible for them to briefly lose feeling or feel pins and needles, which often affects one side of the body and extends from the fingers up the arm and across the face, according to StatPearls.

Unwellness or Vomiting; The Symptom of Migraine:

A migraine without an aura may only identify, according to the International Classification of Headache Disorders (ICHD-3). If the patient also exhibits either a combination of nausea and/or vomiting or light and sound sensitivity (more on that later). During a migraine attack, all four symptoms might coexist.

According to StatPearls, medical professionals commonly deliver pain drugs non-orally, typically by injection or infusion. For those who have migraines that accompany extreme pain, nausea, and vomiting. In addition to painkillers, antiemetics—medications to prevent nausea and vomiting—can administer.

Sensitivity to Sound and Light; The Symptoms of Migraine:

A person typically seeks solace in a calm, dark area while they are experiencing a migraine attack. Loud noises and bright lights can start a migraine or make it worse. The same may  said for some scents. The prodrome period may also characterize light sensitivity.

According to StatPearls, phonophobia (fear of sound) and photophobia (fear of light) are other names for light and sound sensitivity. They frequently go together with migraines that don’t have an aura.

According to StatPearls, 76% of persons who have migraines mention causes that led to the episode. 38% of those who identify triggers also claim that exposure to light can cause migraines. About 40% of episodes in persons who report triggers may bring on odors like gasoline, cologne, and perfume. Stress was the main cause in 80% of instances.

Activity Increases or Exacerbates Pain; The Symptoms of Migraine:

Regular chores like stair climbing and walking might aggravate migraine symptoms.

Some migraines are brought on by physical activity (such as jogging and lifting weights) or stress (such as sexual activity). To rule out underlying reasons, such as a brain aneurysm, a complete workup may be necessary for those with exertion-induced headaches.

22% of persons with migraines said that exercise was a trigger. According to StatPearls, sexual activity was an uncommon trigger, occurring in just 5% of trigger-induced headaches.

Difficulty in Speaking; The Symptom of Migraine:

Can’t seem to speak? Another indication that a migraine is about to strike is difficulty speaking. According to the May 2019 study, difficulty comprehending or finding the right words may signs of an aura.

Many migraine sufferers will experience blithering, according to Dr. Messina. “Patients frequently describe it in that way.”

Contact a medical professional if you are experiencing speech issues for the first time to ensure they do not cause a more serious condition, such as a stroke.

Body Weakness on One Side; The Symptom of Migraine

An indication of a migraine might occur when an arm becomes limp. Before a migraine episode, some persons have muscular weakness on one side of the body. StatPearls suggests that they may regard as motor auras.

Consult a medical professional to rule out a stroke as the reason for the weakness since that condition might also be an indication of one.

Double Vision or Vertigo; The Symptom of Migraine

According to StatPearls, one form of migraine, also known as a basilar migraine, results in symptoms of a brainstem aura. The lowest portion of the brain that links the brain to the spinal cord is called the brainstem. These migraines often have more intense symptoms that stay longer.

Vertigo and double vision, slurred speech, tinnitus, a lack of coordination, and confusion are some of the symptoms connect to the brainstem. Some people could lose consciousness.

The “Hangover” Headache; The Symptom of Migraine

A migraine sufferer could feel as though their body has beaten when the attack is over.

During the post-migraine phase, those who suffer from migraines may feel post-headache symptoms including weariness, difficulty focusing, weakness, dizziness, lightheadedness, and lack of vitality. According to MedlinePlus, this is referred to as the postdrome period. Dr. Messina stated that it might be exhausting.

Finally, We learned about the topic of the article The Symptoms of Migraine. We tried to discuss and understand the topic in detail.

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