Knickers has been exploring
Following his tracks, lets see where he's been
By the looks of it he has been sheltering under the 'waggy'
We had quite a decent amount of snow, giving quite a thick layer to the table.
Trachycarpus fortunei with a dusting of snow.
Continuing to follow his tracks, hey in the snow I can get good at this!
The new area we refer to as the White Garden, but usually not for this reason.
0C at roughly midday.
Well if Knickers is about, Twinkles sis usually somewhere close by too.
Polygonatum punctatum in the snow.
No its not a giant hedgehog, but a snow covered Aloe polyphylla
Jungle hut or Alpine lodge?
Schefflera taiwaniana
Mark checking on the Koi
Do you remember Loree's photo of our garden from back in the autumn?Heres almost the same view today...
Our tender plants are all tucked away safely in the greenhouses, and a few that normally stay outside have joined us in the house to keep warm!