Tech Magazine

The Secret To Starting a Money Making Blog

Posted on the 05 September 2014 by Dfennell @BloggerGo


When most people think about starting a blog, their first instinct is to think through their interests and hobbies and try to decide what they would enjoy writing about. That is fun, and it is a great thing to do if sharing knowledge is your goal. If making money is your goal, then the sad truth is that unless you are an expert on one of today’s hot topics, your posts about your hobby are probably not going to bring in very many viewers. If you don’t have people visiting your page, you aren’t going to make any money.

How Do You Make Money from a Blog?

Advertising is the key. Google AdSense will help you place advertisements on your blogspot. Advertisers pay you each time someone clicks on their ad on your site. Placing ads on your blog does not have to be as invasive as it sounds. AdSense will allow you to choose what size and type of ads you want, and where the ads are placed on your site. You can also choose the look of the ads so that they will match your site, to some degree. In addition, you can block ads you find objectionable.

What Does It Take to Make $100 per Month with AdSense?

There are a lot of variables to this question. Let’s assume that you have the lowest paying AdSense ads on your site. The lowest paying ads pay 5 cents per click. A recent article in Businessweek tells us that, “Only 0.04% of people who get ads on screen bother to click on them.” You can read the article here. With a .04% click rate, you are going to need 2000 people to click ads on your site in order to make $100 with the lowest paying AdSense ads. If .04% of viewers click ads, that means you need about 50,000 people visiting your site each month. Don’t quit reading! That number of viewers is not as unobtainable as it sounds.

How Do You Attract People to Your Blogspot?

I surfed through many of the top blogspots as I was eating breakfast today. I noticed that almost all of them mentioned “Nude Photos of J Law” and quite a few mentioned “see this video of Karen Gillan getting her head shaved”. Was I surfing porn or video sites? No. Quite simply, the top blogspots address whatever is the hot topic each day. It is a sad fact that hundreds of thousands of people will probably hit their computers tonight and search “see nude pics of J Law” while only a few will search for my favorite topics, which are “America’s Top Authors” and “How to Quilt.”

When you look through the top blogspots, you will notice that almost all of them are a seemingly random mix of interesting and humorous stories, videos, and pictures, with some controversial topics addressed occasionally. This is a good, proven formula that makes money.

If you want to have a lot of traffic through your blogspot, you could address:

1. The hot stories popping up on the net.

2. Some controversial posts so that people will think about your blog, comment on it, and talk about it to their friends.

3. Entries about topics established websites that are relevant to popular keyword searches.

For example, mobile app development is a hot topic this year. You might want to write an entry about learning to develop mobile apps. You could include a link to a site such as because they offer courses in mobile app development. Mix this entry in with other interesting content pulled from your favorite sources.

You Can Start a Money Making Blog

For a successful blog, keep your content broad-based,. Make sure you include a mix of journal entries, photos, and videos. Make sure you know what is buzzing the newslines and address those issues. Make room for ads and include stories on top keyword searches so that you can leverage high-paying advertisers.

You can have a successful blog!

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