Fashion Magazine

The Secret to Dressing Your Best – NOW

By Linsibrownson @CleverSpark

Unlike Glamour Magazine, I’m not going to tell you that you should “love yourself.” Frankly, it’s a ridiculous expectation that we should experience perpetual contentment with our bodies, and disturbing to think anything less is a sign of low self-esteem.

The fact is, women have a complex relationship with their bodies and self image. For example, I can’t tell you with a straight face that I *love* my derriere – not going to happen. However, the secret to looking fantastic is learning how to accept what’s not great and be proud of what is – now.

Just learn to accept yourself. Now. Make a commitment to finding your unique, signature style and building a wardrobe you love. Because, if you’re not doing your best to represent your authentic self, then you’re not experiencing your life fully-expressed.

The Secret to Dressing Your Best – NOW

Okay, maybe I’m getting all Tony Robbins about this, but the power of mental persuasion applies to your wardrobe just like everything else. If you love your wardrobe and are excited about getting dressed for the day, then you will experience inherent benefits to your confidence level.

And who only knows what can be achieved with just a little bit of confidence, let alone a lot of confidence. As someone profound said, “dress for the life you want.”

So, just accept yourself already; the sooner, the better. Take a look in the mirror, full length – that’s you. It’s your job to face your perceived flaws so you can address them. And it’s also your job to find something about yourself of which you can be proud. It can be your eyes, your hairline, your shoulders, your boobs, your little toe – whatever.

Now that you’ve faced your flaws and found what you do love, start minimizing the bad and playing up the good with your wardrobe. The best way to start that is to be very mindful when you shop for clothing; only buy things that make you look fantastic. Not just okay or alright – fantastic.

If you’re in Orange County and you would like to hear me speak more about crafting your best image, come out to Fashionable Fundraising October 2nd at Orange Coast Winery in Newport Beach. Twenty bucks gets you in the door  for a night of wine tasting, shopping and style revelations. Plus, it’s a fundraiser, so 20% of sales will be donated to Working Wardrobes.

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