The first of the visions revealed to the three children was that the Virgin called for Russia to be dedicated to her, a revelation that has gained credibility since the fall of Communism and the dissolution of the former Soviet Union. The second was that the First World War would end, but another world war would begin in the year that Pius XI would die ¾ 1939. All sorts of stories have been circulated concerning the third revelation. One has it that when Pius XII read what was written he fainted. Another has it that in 1960 John XXIII declared that the prophecy should not be revealed under any circumstances. But, says Antonio, the third prophecy has been revealed to him by the same person who sent him. It predicts that conflicts will arise within the church and the Devil will gain power in the Vatican. In fact, he says, Satan has already gained a foothold at the highest levels within the Papacy (excluding the Pope himself, of course).