Tech Magazine

The Samsung Gear S , A Smartphone On Your Wrist !

Posted on the 16 November 2014 by Configcrazy @configcrazy

The Samsung Gear S , A Smartphone On Your Wrist !Originally posted on TechCrunch:

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Announced back in September, the Samsung Gear S is the South Korean electronics company's sixth attempt at making a smartwatch. It's got the specs of a mid-range phone from a few years back and runs Tizen, Samsung's own operating system.

The intended appeal of the Gear S is that it can be used independently from the rest of your devices. Along with Bluetooth (standard on Android Wear devices and fitness trackers), Samsung's newest watch also has radios for Wi-Fi, as well as 2G and 3G cellular connectivity.

If you get a SIM card through a cell carrier (and Samsung is pushing this on all major US carriers), you can pair the Gear S to a set of wireless headphones and get a playlist for your jog from Samsung's Milk streaming music service, no phone required. You'll also be able to navigate using the built in maps application...

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