Marketing & Advertising Magazine

The Salon Owners Podcast: Phorest FM Episode 52 (w/ David Barnett)

Posted on the 19 November 2017 by Jennquinn

Welcome to the Salon Owner’s Podcast, Phorest FM Episode 52. Co-hosted by Killian Vigna and Zoé Bélisle-Springer, this show is a mix of interviews with industry thought-leaders, roundups of our most recent salon owners marketing tips & tricks, all the latest in and around Phorest and what upcoming webinars you can join. Phorest FM is produced every Monday morning for your enjoyment with a cup of coffee on your day off.

Phorest FM Episode 52

A well-equipped retail offering provides a framework for you to build trustworthy relationships with each client from the initial consultation to their next appointment. That’s what we refer to as a ‘retailing culture’, a number of systems and expectations that are set and continuously supported by the employees working within the salon or spa. And no, this has nothing to do with hard selling products. For this episode of Phorest FM, we welcome David Barnett, renowned salon coach (High Performance Stylist) on the show and amongst other things, discuss his three-step process to ensure retail sales, especially coming up to Christmas.


David Barnett was kind enough to open up his schedule for the next few weeks and is offering free 30-minute consultations for anyone looking for some advice or help with an aspect of their business. Pick a date and time that works for you – it’s fast and easy:


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Killian Vigna: Welcome to the Phorest FM podcast, episode 52. I’m Killian Vigna.

Zoe Belisle-Springer: And I’m Zoe Belisle-Springer.

Killian Vigna: Today we invite renowned salon coach David Barnett onto our show to share his secrets for getting more retail products out your door in time for Christmas.

Zoe Belisle-Springer: As always we top of the show with our upcoming Phorest Academy webinars.

Killian Vigna: This podcast is produced every Monday morning for your enjoyment with a cup of coffee on your day off. Now, let’s get into the show. Good morning Zoe!

Zoe Belisle-Springer: Good morning Killian.

Killian Vigna: So, very excited about this one, we were talking to David just last week-

Zoe Belisle-Springer: Yeah, he came into the office, yeah.

Killian Vigna: Yeah, he was in the office here last week, and we were like, you know what, while we had David, we thought it would’ve been a wasted opportunity to let him walk out of the door. So, today we have a very special guest on our show, David Barnett of the High Performance Stylist. David has spent a career working for some of the world’s leading salons in the UK, Ireland, and the US, with some of his work featured in New York fashion week, the Grammy’s, the MTV awards, and even had his California salon chosen to do a pop-up salon for the VIPs at the Super Bowl. Welcome to the show David.

David Barnett: Thanks a lot Killian, absolute pleasure to be on.

Killian Vigna: That is some feet that I’ve just announced there.

David Barnett: I don’t think I’ve ever heard it listed off like that, sound pretty impressive to me even.

Killian Vigna: That was just a once off! I’m very impressed with the pop-up salon for the VIPs at the Superbowl.

Zoe Belisle-Springer: That must have been an incredible experience.

Killian Vigna: Yeah, that’s the most relatable to me.

David Barnett: It was one of those things that I’ve… I mean, this industry, the hair industry is just absolutely incredible for meeting people. I mean, you never who’s going to be sitting in your chair. The salon that I owned in California was about an hour outside of San Francisco. And one of my clients just happened to be… His name is Keith Bruce and he just happened to the CEO of the Super Bowl. They have a different CEO every three years. Basically, the company is formed and whoever is CEO, is CEO for three years while they’re building up to the big event wherever it’s going to be, and they change it every three years. And he happened to be CEO for the 50th Super Bowl, which was going to be held out in San Francisco.

He’s sitting in my chair one day, and we’re having a chat and he’s telling me about whose possibly going to be singing, and of course, the halftime show is a huge, huge event, and some of the VIPs are going to be there and I say to him, “Keith I want to get involved, how can I get involved?” And he was like, “Well, I don’t know, give me some ideas.”

And I thought, well, this is all about the guys, it’s all about the dudes, it’s all about this great game for the males, right? I said, “What about all the women? All the women go too!” I said what about if we did this pop-up VIP area where we had some neck and shoulder massages going on, we did some hair services as well and just had this really cool area. And he was like, “Oh my god, I absolutely love it.” He said, “It’s never been done before, but I love the idea of us doing something for the women as well.”

So, that was it, it kind of just went from there then, he just kind of ran with it and next thing he comes back to me and said, “We’ve got to push through, and absolutely we going to do it.” I was an Aveda salon so I got a hold of the Aveda team, and they came down there with me and we ended up doing this great pop-up VIP salon, and it was amazing, it was great. It was a huge hit. Actually, the lady that was going to be doing the following Super Bowl, she came up to me and she was like, “What is this? I’ve never seen anything like this before! No one told me about this, oh we need to have this in ours as well.” I think we started this new trend anyway.

Killian Vigna: This all just started by chance – like you didn’t even know who this guy was sitting on your chair, a bit of chit-chat and then you know you’re doing that, you’ve created a new trend.

David Barnett: Yeah, we’d actually become friendly, his daughters were a similar age to my children and after coming in for a… He’d been coming into my salon for probably about a year or so, so I knew that he was heavily involved in sports. And then he kind of threw his hat in the ring for the CEO position for this because, I mean, you get that role and basically the world’s is your oyster, you can do whatever you want in sports once you’ve got that position. So, he got it and then from there we just… Of course, we were talking about all the time in whenever I saw him.

Zoe Belisle-Springer: Yeah, of course.

Killian Vigna: That’s class.

David Barnett: When it came to how can you get involved? I was like, well, let me throw this idea out there.

Zoe Belisle-Springer: That’s amazing because I mean, you started your own career at the age of 16, and hairdressing is been in your family for generations, so now it’s just taking it up to the next step and what’s going to happen for your kids? I mean, they’ll have a huge step to follow up on.

Killian Vigna: You really set the bar high for your kids, now that’s a bit unfair!

David Barnett: We’ll see how that goes. I mean, like I just said, I believe that this industry that we have it opens so many doors for us because you just never know who’s going to sit in your chair. I mean, there is no way in the world I could have possibly gotten into that circle without me being a hairdresser and just having that person sit in my chair and then just opening my mouth and asking. I’m a firm believer in asking people who are in your chair if they can help in any way – if you can help them in any way. And it’s amazing just what happens when you do that.

Killian Vigna: And I’m sure being a likeable guy also helped there because he wasn’t going to do it with somebody that he didn’t really get on with, so that’s a credit there as well, David.

David Barnett: Yeah. I guess if he didn’t like me he probably would have said no. [Inaudible 00:06:12] came his way after that, I have to say that as well.

Killian Vigna: Just to take it back a little bit, Zoe was saying that you’ve been kind of doing this for a good chunk of your life at the moment. For anyone out there who might not have heard, what is High Performance Stylist?

David Barnett: Okay. After being in this industry for so many years, I feel so blessed to have had so many successes working for some of the top salons in the world, and then going on to open my own salon that ended up being really successful for me. I just realized that a lot of the success that I had was due to the business strategies that I really understood. A lot of them I was taught along the way, a lot of them I kind of figured out myself and started to apply them to my own business. And I realized that this was an area that a lot of stylists just don’t really understand or have never been taught to understand. I’ve seen so many amazingly talented stylists in the world, and they’re still living paycheck to paycheck because they don’t understand the business systems. They haven’t gotten them in place, they’ve never been shown them.

So, after I sold my business, I went into full-time coaching. Okay, so coaching salon owners, coaching individual stylists in the systems and strategies to become highly successful, to earn six-figures behind the chair, or to become a multimillion-dollar salon, multimillion pound salon.

Killian Vigna: And I suppose it is easy to say like that you are kind of moving with the times to be able to progress. It’s easy to say that when you’re feeling so overwhelmed, you can look and go, oh he had it easy, he’s doing well, everything just worked great for him. But you’ve gone through that rough period as well, it hasn’t been easy for you the whole way either which is why you’re able to turn around as a consultant, as a mentor, and I suppose give the tricks that work?

Zoe Belisle-Springer: Pay it forward, I suppose.

David Barnett: Yeah. I mean, I know that we haven’t got a lot of time so I don’t want to get into the full story, but when I opened my salon, it was really at rock bottom. I was in a town where I knew absolutely nobody. I was desperately eating into a lot of my savings. I mean, I was staying on a friend’s couch. A house I bought with my father a few years before went into foreclosure. Now, there is a story behind all this but, yeah, we were at rock bottom, we had zero clientele. I knew nobody in this little town where we decided to open the salon and managed to get it open on a shoestring budget and just built it from literally nothing into a multimillion-dollar salon that was then at the end very, very sellable as well, we ended up selling the business and, yeah, it was kind of like the American dream, it really was.

Killian Vigna: That’s persistence, yeah.

David Barnett: So rapidly for me, we went from no clients to be completely fully booked in just under three months and then I was able to teach the other stylists that joined me, the same systems that I was using, and they got the same results as well. We had multiple stylists earning over six figures, and it wasn’t because we were charging crazy amounts of money for the haircuts or for the colours, we were charging $45 was the starting point for a haircut, and I was charging a bit more than I started at $75 and worked my way up to $100. But color was starting at around 70 and got up to 130 for a full head of highlights.

So, we were very much kind of middle of the road regarding our price point, but it was the level of service that we were offering that they couldn’t get anywhere else. And even this was a tiny little town, just 10,000 people, we became like the place to go.

Killian Vigna: We’ve said it before, we’re kind of going into the experience economy now, so where before it was the service where we do it for you, now it’s the experiences, what you’re offering to clients to come in. If you’re offering a great experience, your clients are going to be happy to pay that little bit extra, or they’re going be happy to invite all their friends and come back time and time again. It’s not all just coming in for that quick discount hair and getting back out. The reason we’re having you on the show today is because we’re going to do a couple of podcast episodes with you for the next few months. But we just thought it’ll be a great time now that we have to I suppose-

Zoe Belisle-Springer: Chat about retail and Christmas.

Killian Vigna: We’re a couple of weeks out from Christmas, one thing that’s on everyone’s mind is how do I get that little bit extra because your December is essentially booked out, so how do we maximize that December, maximize the January, and one thing that we came up was, retail products.

David Barnett: Yeah, 100%. I’m glad you mentioned the exceptional service piece because that is 100% what it’s all about now. The minimum expectation of any client coming into a salon today is that she’s going to get an amazing haircut and amazing colour, alright? That used to be like… “Okay, that’s all we need to do, clients are going to be blown away.” Now, they completely expect it, so it’s like, what else can we be giving and I think when you talk about or when you think about exceptional service then you start to think about, “Oh wow does that mean that I have to have these fancy cappuccinos and different things like that?”, and there are other things that we can be doing that cost us absolutely nothing and that can just immediately give the guest the feeling that we’re an absolute professional, we’re the best of the best, we’re experts. This is a service like you have never had before.

And definitely part of that is to with the retail service because it’s an area that a lot of stylists out there seem to kind of either sway away from or just really can’t be bothered to do it.And I think what we need to realize is it’s not about us doing this hard sell, it’s about delivering exceptional service, it’s about educating the guest in what we’re using and why we’re using it.

They want to know this stuff. And when we start to talk about it, we talk about every product that we use and the benefits, then we come across immediately as an expert. We’re head and shoulders above people because there is not a lot of stylists out there that are doing this, not on a consistent basis. Yes, we talk about stuff every now and again or if there is a new product like an Olaplex or something like that, then okay, we try talking about it.

But to do it with every single product that we pick up and to make it something that is completely natural to us to our level of service, that is not being done in every salon. And the salons that are doing it, are just reaping the benefits. It’s incredible the things that are happening in this salons. Just to give a little idea, in the salon I had, we had about eight stylists… There was eight chairs in my salon. We were doing about a million a year in total revenue.

Now, the average for a regular salon to do retail sales, the average at the moment is between about 5% and 7%. That’s the amount of gross revenue from retail sales. In the salon that I had, we were [inaudible 00:13:51] constantly doing 25% and then we got up to about 30%. And this wasn’t because of any type of special products that we were selling… I mean we were selling Aveda products, which are again very middle of the road product line, it’s not high-end, it’s not low-end. It’s a very middle of the road product line.

And we weren’t doing anything special apart from a system that I’m going to tell you about right now. I just made sure that every single team member was doing the system. And I always made it about educating the guest, I was never talking to my team about, I need you to do more product sales, you need to be selling more, it wasn’t about that. All I asked them to do was to educate; educate them on every single product that you pick up.

Zoe Belisle-Springer: Yeah. In return, you get to scale your business without needing to hire more and more people in the end.

David Barnett: Exactly. It’s all about that docket, how much is each guest really spending with you. Now, a lot of the salons that I come across out there, they feel like they need to be marketing to new guests. They feel like we need to have more people coming through the door, where, in a matter of fact, they actually don’t need that. What they need is to just be upping their service doing more retail, doing more add-ons, they have plenty of guests, they just need to make the quality of the experience more exceptional.

Killian Vigna: I love what you’re saying about the whole educate thing because me and my hair… I love going into a barber’s and be like, tell you what, they go, “What do you want to get done?” I go, “You do your magic.” I’m going to you for this professional service for this advice. Now, only for the fact that I’m someone that constantly asks questions, every time they do something with my hair, or if they put a spray in, or if they put a different type of gel in because I’ve got really thick hair, so it’s hard to find a good gel. I’m always asking them what products they’ve done it and how are they kind of mixing it into my hair and stuff like. So, that’s them giving me the advice and stuff like that. But not all of your clients are going to ask questions, but all of your clients do what to know why you’re using what in their hair.

Zoe Belisle-Springer: Well, even if it’s not in the salon, clients are just getting savvier on a day-to -ay basis. The internet is such an accessible thing now, but when you come to think about it, the internet is not going to personalize the products to you whereas if you go in a salon you get personalized advice and-

Killian Vigna: You’re rubbing your hands through my hair for an hour, you know how it feels, how it takes, how’s it’s going to hold and stuff like that. I can walk into a shop and I can get these products much, or I don’t even know if they’re much cheaper because like I’m saying I’m going to a barber, so I’m fairly limited in what I buy. But I don’t have any advice, so I’m looking at a shelf of hundreds of products and I’m going, “Ehh, what?” Where when I go into you, you’re actually telling me the difference between each one and why I should be using what.

David Barnett: Yeah. I think there is a lot of hairdressers that like to use the excuse that, “Oh, they’re just going to go and buy online, they’ll buy it online.” I’m telling you now, 95% of clients coming through the door would much, much rather buy it from a professional, whose given them great advice on exactly what they use and why they’re using it and when to use it. That’s what you need, they’re going to buy from you every single time if you’re having the conversation. If you’re not, then yes okay, they’re going to go away and probably go online and go down to the supermarket and grab something off the shelves and hope it works.

And the other thing is that when they go and do that and they realize they’re not getting the look that they wanted, they don’t blame the product, they blame the hairdresser who cut it. That’s the interesting thing as well. Half the time they say, “Oh, it wasn’t the product, no, the product is fine, it’s the way you cut it last time, it just wasn’t sitting right.” And quite often it can be the product. Again, it’s just another piece that makes it so important that we’re doing that.

The other thing is that, if we’re talking to the guest and they’re buying retail from us, they’re so much more likely to come and re-book with us as well. There is a 70% higher chance of them re-booking with us if we’ve sold a product to them as well. It just means that they really believe us, they trust us.

Zoe Belisle-Springer: You were saying that you had a particular way to do this in your salon, do you want to walk us through that?

David Barnett: Yeah, absolutely. First of all, let me just tell you a quick story on how all this come about. One of my managers in New York, and I was working at John Barrett’s salon in New York. Now this place it does $12 million a year, it does a million dollars a month, and they have unbelievable service in there. And that’s when I realized that it was service over the standard of technical service that is so important, it’s customer service.

However, one day my manager came up to me and she said to me,“David, you should be doing more retail sales than you’re doing right now.” And I had the textbook reaction to that, or reply to that, and that was, “My clients already spend $200 on a haircut, there is no way in the world that they’re going to spend any more money on products, they don’t need it.” And she said something to me that I will never forget, she said, “David, get your head out of your clients’ purse. Do not make the decision for them, it’s none of your business whether you feel they can afford it or not, or whether they feel that they deserve to buy a product. All you need to do is to educate your guest on what you’re doing and let them make that decision.” And I was like, “Oh my god, that is so true.” It’s none of my business!

Killian Vigna: That’s a fantastic pitch.

David Barnett: And I think there are so many hairdressers out there that think the same thing, that my client can’t afford it, “I know it, yes, she never buys anything.” Have you ever told her about a product?

Killian Vigna: And I suppose if they’re paying 200 quid, what’s an extra couple of quid on top of that?

David Barnett: Exactly, very true.

Killian Vigna: Apart from your whole educational system or your educate, educate, educate, do you have any or do you need to incentivize your staff anymore, or is that enough?

David Barnett: Regarding what?

Killian Vigna: Regarding the retail products, so you’re educating your clients on the retail products.

David Barnett: I’ve got a three-step process that we use. The first thing is… I used to have this trigger, I call it, that every time I picked up a product I covered three topics. Now, you could be in mid-conversation with your clients about her daughter’s wedding or something but if I picked up a product I would always say to them, “Let me just tell you about this product before I use it because it’s absolutely incredible, it’s perfect for your hair.” And I would tell them what I’m using, why I’m using it, and when to use it. So what, why, and when.

Then, I’d place the product right in front of her on my uncluttered station, so it’s sitting there on its own, and nine times out of ten she would pick up the product, she would read it and ask me probably some more questions, probably smell it and just kind of check it out for herself. Then I carry on with the service, so we carry on as normal, go back to the conversation about her and her new dog or whatever it is.

Then, at the end of the service… This is the key piece, this is the stuff that makes all of the difference. By the end of the service, she should have talked about at least three products, so perhaps it was a shampoo or a conditioner, perhaps it was a styling product, perhaps it was a finishing product. Three products have to go to the front desk. If you’ve got somebody that checks people out for you, so you’ve got a front desk person or a receptionist or a retail manager, three products up front and you say to her, this is what I used today. She then says to the guest, “These are the products that David used on your hair today, did you need anything for home?” And that is it.

The reason that we have three products up there is for this reason. If you put one up there, then, of course, there is a good chance that she has a full bottle of shampoo at home already and she doesn’t need it. But if you put three up there, either there is a chance that she has run out of one of them or she just feels that she deserves another product or she wants to try it, she’s never used it before and she wants to try it. So, three is the magic number. Often my clients would have taken all three products, but nine times out of ten they would take at least one.

Killian Vigna: That is absolutely genius. I have never thought of that before. So, talk about the product and sit it in front of them and then bring to the till again.

David Barnett: It has to be three upfront. And like as I said, this was just something that was the culture in my salon, it was like me going in and turning on the lights in the morning.

Killian Vigna: Just became a habit?

David Barnett: It was something that happened with every single guest. And I had to actually think about what is the three-step process when I decided that I needed to teach this. I was like, what is it that we do? And when I put it down into a three-step process it was so easy to put across to the team, they didn’t feel like it was a hard sell. And then you’re letting your front desk person know. Obviously, if you’re checking out your guests yourself, if you’re taking the bill at the end of the service, then you just say, “These are the products that I used today, did you need anything for home?”

But other than that there is no hard sell, she knows all about the products because she’s been talking about them, she knows how they work and when she needs to use them. She can see the results already. So after you blow dry her hair, after you finish it, we’re talking about it, feel your hair now, doesn’t that feel amazing, look at the shine on it. And you’re talking about the product and you’re just educating, that’s all you’re doing, there is no hard selling whatsoever.

Zoe Belisle-Springer: That’s absolutely brilliant, do you do anything special for Christmas?

David Barnett: Absolutely. Christmas is, of course, we can over 50% of our annual retail sales, of our yearly retail sales in the month of December, it’s crazy. It just goes absolutely ballistic, and yes definitely we’re always ordering in loads of the Christmas packages. You can definitely be offering a wrapping service, which I think is huge especially when you get the guys coming in saying they need some products for the Mrs [inaudible 00:24:32] as well. I think that’s a huge benefit.

And then another thing that we used to love to do was to have a Christmas party, not for just the team to get hammered but also for the clients. And when we invited the clients in, again, it wasn’t just about drinks and food, we’d do it around the retail. We’d invite them in, we’d have the wrapping service going on right there and then. And then another thing that we used to love to do was get one of those like wheel of fortunes. I ordered this wheel online and we had all these different segments in it so we put different things in there – normally service-related like a complimentary haircut or a $50 gift certificate and different products in there as well. And if the client spent $75 or more she got to spin the wheel and every spin wins.

Killian Vigna: So there is a little of incentives as well behind, it’s not just completely a [crosstalk 00:25:30] process?

David Barnett: Yeah, and then we’d leave that up, after the party leave it up for the next couple of weeks, and the same deal if you spent $75 or it could be even less than that, of course, it could be $30 you that you spent and you get to spin the wheel. And the price is in there is normally anything from $20 to $100 and of cou, se they absolutely loved it.

Killian Vigna: I’d say that salon looked class at Christmas. Just the fact that you have a wheel of fortune and then a gift wrapping station and like you said it makes it so much easier for their partners could just waltz in, get an excellent package there and then.

I suppose just to wrap it up because like all of that information is absolutely brilliant. Do you have any last minute tips because like I said we’re a month out just five weeks for Christmas, so it’s a bit of a last itch, your salon books are probably full for December. Do you have any tips from retail for January to get customers to come back in or anything like that?

David Barnett: I think first of all, for the retail option for Christmas, it’s really important that you break down your goals to a daily basis. We all have these ideas of okay, this is the number I need to hit, I want to do 10,000 in sales for the month of December. Break that down to a daily basis, it’s really important that you do that and that you’re talking about it to your team.

We always did these daily hurdles, which was a quick meeting in the morning, a touch base with the entire team and if you’re not doing that, I’ll highly, highly recommend it. There is a Facebook live I did, which is on my Facebook page, a couple of months ago, and I go through the whole step-by-step process of the daily hurdle and what that looks like. But, I think you need to be connecting with your team every daily meeting, and you need to be having a conversation, and you need to setting that goal on a daily basis so it sounds achievable because 10,000 Euro or $10,000 sounds like a huge number, but when you break it down to a daily basis, it’s so, so achievable.

And then I think it’s just making sure that you are starting to bring in this culture, if you haven’t got a system in place that all of the stylists are using right now, it’s time to put one place. The most successful salons in the world that I get to work with now, are the ones that have systems for every single thing that they do. They have a culture there, that the stylists are able to follow step by steps, and stylists love that.

It’s like – you kind of think of it as, “Does that not sound like micro-management, am I going to be on them all, all of the time?” If you don’t show them the way that you want things done, they’re not going to be able to do it. And I think that as salon owners sometimes we expect them to just know, and they don’t, they don’t. I think that’s really important.

Like I said, if you’re doing retail sales and the sales are just flying, people are going to be re-booking. Again, this is going to really help you with getting those appointments in for the new year. And another great way of doing that of course is with gift certificates sales as well. Making sure you’re talking about gift certificates over the holiday season, it’s a great gift for your next door neighbor, or your school teacher, or your sister, or someone that you just don’t know what to get them. Gift certificate for a salon is great because there is a number of different services that they can come in and get, and then we all going to book that in the new year, so great way to get people in the door in January and February.

Killian Vigna: And you can always put a little spin on it and say that there is a minimum spend on it or something like that like what when we’re saying about the Attitude of Gratitude, if you were to give out those free cards with a couple of quids, it’s guaranteed they’re going to come back in. But your clients are always going to spend more than the-

Zoe Belisle-Springer: The value of the gift card.

Killian Vigna: The value of that gift card as well.

David Barnett: Exactly, yes.

Killian Vigna: So it’s a win-win.

David Barnett: 100%. Another thing that I’d like to do for your listeners; seeing we’re in the holiday season and I love, love Christmas and Thanksgiving was also a really big deal for me. Of course, I was only introduced to it when I moved to the States and my wife is American, both my children are US citizens as well and I love Thanksgiving. And what I’d love to do for the listeners as a way of saying thank you for all you do for the hairdressing industry is to offer them if they need to, jump on a call with me. If they have something going on with their business that they’ve been trying to figure and they’re really stuck, I would like to offer them a complimentary 30-minute phone call with me. So what I’m going to do is I’m going to open up my schedule for the next couple of weeks and I will pass on a link to you guys, so if you can post it that would be fantastic.

Zoe Belisle-Springer: Of course.

Killian Vigna: Wow, that would be brilliant.

David Barnett: Yeah, if they’ve got anything going on with their business or with their team members, or even with their career – if you are stylist behind the chair and you just want some help or some advice with your career, I’d be more than happy to share and to help. You can just click on the link and it will go directly to my schedule, there is a little questionnaire there so I can get a bit more information about you before we jump on the call, and then yeah, I’d be happy to help.

Killian Vigna: 100% pushing that now that you’re willing to give your time off for that. Yeah, that’s The High Performance Stylist with David Barnett. Jump on that because the information we’ve just learned here in 20 minutes, what can you get for 30? Personalized as well.

David Barnett: Yeah, absolutely. The big thing about hairdressing is that every single business is different. When we started the coaching program, we could have just used one cookie cutter, one size fits all. It’s all about one on one attention, being able to figure out “Okay, what’s going on with your business and where do you need the help.” Every business is different.

Killian Vigna: Well, it’s been absolutely fantastic having for you on the show and thanks in very much for tuning in today David.

Zoe Belisle-Springer: Thank you so much.

David Barnett: My pleasure. Thanks a lot guys, that was awesome.

Killian Vigna: Take it easy.

David Barnett: Bye-bye.

Killian Vigna: That was David Barnett on the show with some great insights into how to get the most out of retail just in time for Christmas as well. That brings us to our final stages.

Zoe Belisle-Springer: Our Phorest Academy webinars, and indeed we do have one today and it is the ‘Salon Instagram Masterclass’. Again, a monthly one, we talked about it last week, it’s an hour-long webinar with Chris Brennan. It goes through to how to set your Instagram account the right way, how to get the best out of it and it’s from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM UK/Ireland time, 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM US Eastern Time. And you can sign up through our Facebook page in the events section, there is an event called ‘Salon Instagram Masterclass’, you click on get tickets there and you’ll be re-directed to a page where you can fill in your details to get your link.

Killian Vigna: Yeah. And then we have the second last of our Salon Growth Series, ‘How To Boost Your Online Presence And Attract New Business’. So that one there again is for Phorest Salon Software clients, so if you want to get onto that webinar just email <[email protected]> or you can always give us a call here and we’ll get you onto that.

Zoe Belisle-Springer: Next week it’s going to be our monthly roundup episode already and so we’ll leave you on that today. Have a wonderful week and we’ll catch you next Monday.

Killian Vigna: All the best.

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Catch up on the previous Phorest FM episode!

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