Books Magazine

The Ruby and the Beast by Ditter Kellen @SDSXXTours @DitterTheGreat1

By Lauriej
The Ruby and the Beast by Ditter Kellen @SDSXXTours @DitterTheGreat1
The Ruby and the Beast by Ditter Kellen @SDSXXTours @DitterTheGreat1
The Ruby and the Beast by Ditter Kellen @SDSXXTours @DitterTheGreat1

Ruby and the Beastby Ditter KellenGenre: Paranormal Romance, FantasyThe Ruby and the Beast by Ditter Kellen @SDSXXTours @DitterTheGreat1
After the sudden death of her father, Ruby Atwood is forced to drop out ofcollege to care for her younger brother. Deep in debt and on theverge of desolation, Ruby resorts to some shady dealings on thestreets of New Orleans, in order to put food on the table for hersmall family. Until one night in a dark alley, she discovers ahideous beast she could never have imagined in her darkestnightmares.
Cloaked in darkness, the Beast prowls the back alleys of New Orleans, lonely,savage and bereft of hope, his demon clawing at him. With the manresponsible for his curse now dead, the Beast seeks out the onlyother person who can satisfy the demon within—the man’s daughter,Ruby Atwood.
Trapped, with nowhere to run, Ruby quickly realizes she must use her wits tostay alive or face certain death at the hands of a monster. But themore she tries to escape, the more she is drawn to the Beast. Desireand fear clash, creating an unforgettable story of hope, trust and alove found only in fairy tales...**Releases April 4th, 2017!!**Amazon * Kobo * iBooks * Nook
The Ruby and the Beast by Ditter Kellen @SDSXXTours @DitterTheGreat1The Ruby and the Beast by Ditter Kellen @SDSXXTours @DitterTheGreat1

Ditter Kellen has been in love with romance for over twenty years. To sayshe's addicted to reading is an understatement. Her eBook reader isan extension of her and holds many of her fantasies and secrets. It'sfilled with dragons, shifters, vampires, ghosts and many morejaw-dropping characters who keep her entertained on a daily basis.

Ditter's love of paranormal and outrageous imagination have conspired togetherto bring her where she is today...sitting in front of her computerallowing them free rein. Writing is her passion, what she was born todo. I hope you will enjoy reading her stories as much as she lovesspinning them.
Ditter resides in Florida with her husband and many unique farm animals. Sheadores French fries and her phone is permanently attached to her ear. Website * Facebook * Twitter * Instagram * Blog * Amazon * Goodreads * Newsletter
The Ruby and the Beast by Ditter Kellen @SDSXXTours @DitterTheGreat1Ditter Kellen is giving away a Kindle Fire at the end of each month until
the release date! 
Enter at her Facebook page here: Ruby and the Beast by Ditter Kellen @SDSXXTours @DitterTheGreat1

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