Four Things I Loved This Week
The Roundup Is Baaaaaaack! Someone recently commented that they missed my roundup posts. At first I thought, someone commented on my blog? ;) Then I realized that I have been seriously neglecting little Nothing 2 Wear this past year. Just so you know, the disappearance of the weekly roundup was directly linked to my lack of: sleep, personal time, sanity, etc that came with having a newborn. These days Elyse sleeps through the night and I have my blogging time back. Yay! So expect to see me posting more regularly, if you like that sort of thing.
Anyway, this week I am sharing with you 4 things that caught my eye in the fashion, beauty, design, bla bla world.
1. I am admitting today in a public forum, that I have developed an healthy obsession with Houzz. In particular anything to do with kitchens and staircases. Serious, creepy, sad, like hours spent looking at stair case staining options. I am not seeking help, I am past that point.
2. Alexander Wang suede boots via FarFetch. The new style now has a ZIPPER! Do you understand what this means? It means I can finally own a pair. I have a very high in-step, so anything without a zipper is crossed off my list indefinitely. While I was in Dubai last fall hubby shockingly allowed me to buy the Wang boots of my dreams, but when I attempted to try on my size I couldn't get my foot in, like at all. Tears were shed. But now all of that has changed...stay tuned.3. Are you obsessed with this shoe from Ninewest? I am! You most likely are, and so is every other female you know. It is easily the most popular shoe in the word right now. I know there are like a bazillion options out there so I want you to take a deep breathe, and check back here next week because I will be sharing dozens of them with you! 
4. Remember when I mentioned here that there is a new trend in the fashion industry to host see-now-buy-now runway shows. It happened over the course of Fashion Month which just ended, and now alice+ olivia has teamed up with Neiman Marcus to bring us a runway show in Los Angeles, to be held the Wednesday before Coachella, and featuring the highly anticipated alice + olivia x Grateful Dead capsule collection, not to mention limited edition items from the Spring 2016 collection. This sounds amazing! There will be twelve exclusive styles available via www.aliceandolivia.com, www.neimanmarcus.com as soon as the runway show begins at 7 PM on April 13. Also, fear not for the show will be streamed live on both alice + olivia’s and Neiman Marcus’ social channels, including Periscope and Facebook*Image from www.aliceandolivia.com