Health Magazine

The “Real” Hunger Games

By Jenny Evans @PowerHousePC

For this month’s Health & Fitness segment on NBC KARE 11 I put Diana Pierce through my version of The Hunger Games.  If she answers 7 of the 10 following food and nutrition questions correctly she wins a fruit arrangement.  If she loses, she gets a muddy loaf of bread.

1.  You can recognize whole wheat bread by it’s color: T/F

False.  Many breads use brown food coloring agents to make them look brown like whole wheat. Breads must contain the phrase “100% Whole Wheat” for it to actually be whole wheat.

2.  How many calories per gram do protein, carbohydrates and fat have?

4,4 and 9 calories

3. How many grams of fiber should we get each day?  Bonus: how many does the average American get?

25-35 grams,  14-15 grams

4. Serving size and portion size are the same thing: T/F

False.  Serving size is the amount of food recommended in consumer education materials such as the food pyramid. Portion size is the amount of food you choose to eat at any one time — which may be more or less than a serving.

5. What is the leading source of vegetable intake in the U.S.?

Potatoes, mainly in the form of French fries

6. Is there a significant nutrient difference between frozen and fresh produce?

It’s very close to the same. Fresh produce nutrient density depends on when it was picked vs. when you actually eat it – it may take a while to get to you and lose nutrients.  Frozen is usually frozen immediately after being picked, locking in nutrients.

7. How many servings of fruits and vegetables are recommended each day?

Five to thirteen based on calorie needs.  A 2000 calorie per day intake would equate to 9 servings, or 4.5 cups per day (2 cups of fruit and 2.5 cups of vegetables).

8. How many teaspoons of sugar are in an average 12 oz soft drink?

10 teaspoons

9. What is the fat soluble vitamin we can get from the sun that is involved in bone health, blood pressure, cholesterol, inflammation and immunity?

Vitamin D

10. Working out on an empty stomach burns more fat: T/F

False. Without sufficient glucose in the blood stream stored protein (muscle mass) becomes a significant contributor to energy.

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