Family Magazine

The Podcast Mamma

By Mischieviousmum

Over the last twelve months or so I have become a little bit of a podcast Mamma.  I listen to podcasts whenever I can.   I try and fit them in whenever I’m making dinner or cleaning the house.  I would rather listen to podcasts than watching television.   I listen to podcasts when the kids are doing their own their own thing or are fast asleep in the evenings.

I realised over the last few days that I haven’t spoken much of my favorite podcasts, so today I thought I would fill you in and share with you my very own list of…’You have to listen to these podcasts’ list.


  1.  Happier with Gretchen Ruben.
    Every Wednesday afternoon a new episode of ‘Happier with Gretchen Ruben’ downloads to the podcast app and I have to admit that this particular podcast is one of my favourites.   I look forward to listening to Gretchen Ruben and her sister talk about habit tendencies, and the numerous ways to better our lives….and therefore we feel ‘happier’.   Click HERE to check out Happier with Gretchen Rubin.
  2.  Katy Says with Katy Bowman.
    Katy Bowman is definitely another amazing podcaster.  She is a biomechanist who talks about movement and how our movements effect our body.  Each episode has a number of different jewels that have been incredibly helpful to my life…especially in relation to understanding diastasis recti much better.  Its great when you feel better after listening to something that gives you hope and a push in the right direction.   Click HERE to check out to Katy Bowmen’s podcast.

  3.  The Family First Podcast
    This is a podcast all about being married and parenthood.  Mike and Susan Merrill are married and host the show together.  Its an easy listening podcast,  and the hosts have this way of talking that makes you feel calm and relaxed.  The content of the show is about relationships – particularly marriage and parenthood, which I find helpful – Especially when I feel overwhelmed by what ever is going on at the time and feel the need to run away and join the nearest circus.  Not that this happens a lot…but it does help to know that I can listen to this podcast and suddenly feel the overwhelm slip away.  Click HERE to head over to the Family First Podcast.

  4.  The Simple Show|The Art of Simple with Tsh Oxenreider.   I love this podcast.  Its always interesting.  Tsh Oxenreider hosts a podcast where she interviews wonderfully interesting women from all walks of life who all happen to be quite inspirational in one way or another.   My favorite podcast is episode 21 Neighbours Table with Sarah Harmeyer.   Click HERE to head over to the Art of Simple.

  5.  The Happy Home Podcast with Arlene Pelicanne.   This is an easy listening, but very encouraging podcast about all things motherhood.   I like this podcast. I don’t listen to it as much as I would like too, but there are only so many hours in a week.  Click HERE to go over to check out there Happy Home Podcast.

  6.  Dr Eric Berg  This podcast is amazing.  I have learned a lot about hypothyroidism through this podcast.  Dr Eric Berg is like a walking urban text book.  This obviously means that he straight talks in a way that an average person can understand Doctor speak.  Eric Berg has an amazing way of communicating and whether you listen to the podcast or you watch his youtube videos, you can learn all sorts of things about your personal medical conditions.  Click HERE to find out more about Dr Berg’s episodes.

  7.  Timothy Ferris is the author of ‘The 4 Hour Work Week’, and uses his podcast to talk about all sorts of topics.  He has interviewed many great people along the way – my favorite was Anthony Robbins, and my favorite podcasts to date is the ‘How to live in the moment’ and ‘How to avoid the busy trap’.  Click HERE to  check out Timothy Ferris’ podcasts.

  8.  Against the Grain is all about health.  Looking at all different topics relating to health.  My favorite podcast is the one all about adrenal fatigue and I must say that its pretty awesome.   I haven’t listened to all of these ones, but I do pick and choose because it will take an enormous amount of time to listen to them all.   Click HERE to tune into Against the grain.

  9.  Good life project.   I haven’t listened to many of these podcasts, but the ones I have listened to are none short of Inspirational.   They can be described as unfiltered conversations and stories about finding meaning, happiness, purpose, inspiration, creativity, motivation, spirituality, love, confidence and success in life.  You can’t get better than that.  Click HERE if your interested.

  10.  Aussie Bloggers.   If your a blogger you’ll enjoy listening to Amanda and her friends.   Due to budgeted time I pick and choose the episodes I listen to here as well.   If your interested to learn about the many aspects to blogging and the many different ways to improve your blogging this is a podcast you should listen too.   I’d love to have a bit more time to concentrate on this podcast series.  If your interested in checking it out….HERE is the link!

  11.  Problogger blog and podcasts is the amazing resource by Blogging guru Darren Rowse.   Its simple.  Its too the point. Its great.   I feel I’m growing as a blogger…and I see that as a good thing!   If your interested…HERE is the link.

  12.  The Minimalists.   I have a massive issue with clutter and hoarding, so when a friend of mine told me about ‘The Minimalists’ (Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus) I knew I had to look at their site and read their blog.  Now they have a podcast and the episodes I have listened to are great.   It is good to comb through our things, sort out our lives and to clear out all those items that no longer are used  or have relevance.  HERE is the link for their podcast.

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