And no, I am not referring to the Diet of Worms (a German/Catholic title for someone of great religious authority, if you were wondering). Apparently aside from being lactose intolerant, I apparently am also wheat and gluten intolerant as well. That really sucks. No bread, pizza, pie, cake, donuts, muffins, cupcakes, tortilla shells/tacos, no breading on fish or anything else, and no danishes. The list actually goes on and on, but I'm going to leave it at that as I am certain the picture is well painted. So after work (which was super productive and long) I stopped by this one store which specializes in fresh produce, and got a lot of fruit, potatoes, and some vegetables along with some fresh meat. I enjoy all of that, but I am going to really miss my bakery section in the store, and how horrible is it that a baker can't eat what he wants to bake, or what he bakes. I've been checking out gluten free recipes (as well as diary/lactose free) and oh my goodness talk about expensive. All of these different substitutes (of which there are dozens which you all need without gluten) come in small amounts but are so ridiculously pricey. I am going to have to be really, really wealthy if I want to remain gluten free yet still bake and eat as I did before. Granted there are other things in the world that suck and are far worse than that, but who knows what will come my way next. Speaking far worse fates,let's all keep Egypt in mind as it goes through this turbulent time in their fledgling democracy. I don't know if the military is rescuing the country, or if it really was a coup on their part when they ousted President Morsi; I suppose that time will tell. Interestingly enough, Syria has been out of the news and Egypt has been at the forefront...that and Edward Snowden, who cannot seem to acquire asylum in any country. That's either cruel irony, bad luck, or highly comedic. So Merlin Season 5 is impressive so far. Morgana continues to be an amazing villain, and Merlin and Arthur continue to provide plucky, comic relief and good action and drama along the way. What I love about this show the most is how deeply the creators and writers delve into Celtic mythology and history; it is quite impressive, and awesome. Of course who would know better how to do Arthur and Camelot then the British and Celtic people. Some more character development would be nice to see in the leading cast members, but considering the type of show it is and the target audience, it doesn't do too bad. You should watch it if you're able. Well here comes the weekend, and not a moment too soon. I am utterly exhausted and ready for bed already. It should be good, albeit hot weekend. Live long and prosper people of the world. Merlin Season 5 Trailer The White Queen Series Trailer (definitely looks quite interesting, but we shall see if Starz actually picks a winner this time unlike Camelot).