He's played their single Revolution a few times now on his Radio KC Sunday Show along with a few of their other tracks and they featured in his 2014 Top 100 tracks. Good news is, The Phantoms are releasing Wasting Time as a single with video and it's a great follow up to the anthemic Revolution.

Focusing on their driving guitar driven sound backed by thumping drumming and strong vocals it's a fair bet Scotland's DJ's will be pricking their ears up and The Phantoms will again see some serious air play.No wonder XFM's Jim Gellatly was quoted as saying - "Soaring atmospheric Britpop -What Oasis would have sounded like if they'd listened to The Doors rather than The Beatles."
Catch them live if you can as they support Cold Ocean Lies in King Tut's on the 14th of March. The Phantoms are Ralph's 'ones to watch' for 2015.