Protest the Tory Party Conference
National week of action: 3 - 7 October 2015
New events & details are being added everyday so keep checking this page for updates. Look out for events that require booking.
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Friday 2 October
People's Assembly Final Activist & Planning Meeting for the Week of Action @ Central Hall, 6:30pmTo go through the final preparations for the week, planning further actions & get involved with events. All welcome...
Full details
Love Music Hate Racism gig @ Rebellion, Whitworth St West, M1 5WZ, 7pm - 3am
Line up includes: Chris Jam, Mic Bytes, Drase, Bane Sol:ution, Audio Heroine, Sir Robin Longshot and Whiney (next to Deansgate Station)
Saturday 3 October
Afternoon / EveningOur city not yours: Flash Mob @ Manchester Piccadilly
Welcome the Tories into town! - 12:30pm
Welcome to Manchester Party @ The People's History Museum - 12pm - 10pm
Billy Bragg, Sam Duckworth, Billy Lunn (The Subways), Sean McGowan & more
Tickets: £10
Full details and booking`
Acting Out Against Austerity - hosted by Terry Christian @ Dance House Theatre, 7:30pm
Knock Knock Anti Austerity play written and directed by Kate Marlow
Flick & Julie's Pop Up Penny Pinchers Anti Austerity comedy sketch show
Plus spoken word from Stephen Morrison Burke & more tbc Full details and booking
Sunday 4 October
National Demonstration: No to Austerity
Assemble 12pm, Oxford Road. March to Castlefields Arena for rally
Organised by the TUC & the People's Assembly
Speakers at Castlefields include: Charlotte Church, Owen Jones, Mark Serwotka (PCS), Julie Hesmondhalagh (Actress), Mark Steel (Comedian), Natalie Bennett (Green Party), Dave Ward (CWU), Dr Anas Tikriti (Muslim Association of Britain), Francesca Martinez (Comedian), Steve Sweeny (Morning Star), Anita Wright (National Assembly of Women), John Rees (Stop the War Coalition) & more to be announced...
More detials
"Laugh Them Out of Town" @ Manchester Academy, 7pm
Line up includes: Frankie Boyle, Mark Steel, Francesca Martinez, Sara Pascoe, Jeremy Hardy, Robin Ince, Nish Kumar
Tickets: £10 / £20 / £30 (concession / standard / solidarity)
Click here to book
Facebook event page
Monday 5 October
The People's Assembly morning briefing @ Central Hall, 10am With guest speakers.
Screening of Pots, Pans & Other Solutions @ Central Hall, 2.00pm
With Guest Speaker - Birgitta Jónsdóttir Full details and booking
Student Protest: No Fees, No Cuts, No Debt @ 2pm, outside Tory Party Conference
Student Debt In outside the Tory Party Conference
More details
Protest & meeting: Ian Duncan Smith: Murderer #IDSMurderer @ 12pm, Central LibraryAlliance network with Disabled People Against Cuts (DPAC), StopChanges2ATW and TUC Disabled Workers' Committee
followed by...Reclaiming Our Futures - 3.30pm - 5.00pm - Friends Meeting House, Manchester
Meeting hosted by the Reclaiming Our Futures Alliance network with Disabled People Against Cuts (DPAC), StopChanges2ATW and TUC Disabled Workers' Committee.
Full details Protest: No to TTIP @ Manchester Town Hall, 12pm
Called by War on Want, UNISON North West & Stop TTIP Manchester
Meeting: No TTIP - the people fight back @ Central Hall, 5.30pm
Hosted by War on Want, UNISON NW, Stop TTIP Manchester
Speakers include: Birgitta Jónsdóttir, Icelandic MP, Owen Jones, author, columnist, activist, John Rees, People's Assembly, Paula Barker, UNISON NW, Rowan Mataram, Stop TTIP Manchester, Sam Lowe, Friends of the Earth, John Hilary, War on Want
No booking required - full deatils
"The People's Post" Rally @ Manchester Cathedral, 7pmHosted by CWU. Speakers include: Dave Ward, Jeremy Corbyn MP, Owen Jones, Lindsey German, Kevin Maguire, Mark McGowan, Ellie Mae O'Hagan - Free tickets but please book
Full details and booking
Beat Back! Music Against Austerity @ Manchester Academy, 8pm
Super Furry Animals, Charlotte Church, Public Service Broadcasting
Tickets £10 / £15 / £20 (concession / standard / solidarity)
Click here to book
Tuesday 6 October
The People's Assembly morning briefing @ Central Hall, 10:30am
with guest speakers
Rally & Protest: Hands off our NHS @ Central Hall, 11:30am Public meeting followed by 'Wall of Sound' sirens protest outside the Tory Conference. Organised by People's Convention for the NHS, Keep our NHS Public, & other NHS campaigns
Full details
Meeting: Austerity Has Failed - so what's the alternative? @ Central Hall, 5.15pmEconomic briefing & discussion on the alternative to austerity. Speakers include James Meadway (New Economics Foundation) & Michael Burke (Economist), more tbc.
Protest: Refugees welcome here @ Assemble: Mount Street, 5:30pm
Protest as Home Secretary Teresa May addresses the conference. It's likely she'll announce more racist measures attacking migrants and Muslims. Organised by Stand up to Racism
Rally: Refugees are Welcome Here @ Dancehouse Theatre, 7pmOrganised by Stand up to Racism
Space for Cycling Ride round Tory Conference @ Assemble: Deansgate Station, 6pm
Show the Government that you want safe Space for Cycling by joining our campaign ride around the 2015 Conservative Party conference. Organised by Greater Manchester Cycling Campaign
Full details
Faith and Communities United Against Austerity @ Manchester Cathedral, 7pm
Cross faith meeting followed by vigil in Manchester Cathedral. Speakers include David Walker (Bishop of Manchester), Anas Tikriti (The Cordoba Foundation), Niall Cooper (Church Action on Poverty), Penny Hicks (Manchester People's Assembly) Mr. Suresh Mehta (Jain Community) Dr. Seima Iqbal (Local GP and MEND organiser) Mr. Glyn Secker Jews for Justice for Palestinians) Mr. A.K. Sinha (The Gita Bhavan Temple) Maria Barbiner (Local Campaigner) Welcome by Canon Dr. David Holgate. Free event but please book
Full details & booking
Wednesday 7 October
The People's Assembly morning briefing @ Central Hall, 10:30amwith guest speakers
Protest: No to Fracking | Save our Solar! @ Mount Street, Manchester, 12pm
Organised by Campaign against climate change, Friends of the Earth, This Changes Everything & others
Full details
Towards Paris and beyond: Building the movement for climate, justice and jobs @ Firends Meeting House, 4pmPublic meeting organised by Campaign against climate change, Friends of the Earth, This Changes Everything & others
Full details
The People vs The Tories - the week in review @ Central Hall, 6:30pm
with Owen Jones, Francesca Martinez, Terry Christian & more...