Finance Magazine

The Paddy Fields of North Wales

By Sue15cat
The Paddy Fields of North Wales
After the rains of last Autumn and Winter and the flooding of the fields across the road we have been thinking about a new crop.
We don't eat that many potatoes and much prefer rice with most meals, so putting it all together ... the flooded fields, a gently draining hillside and the lovely sunny days with the sun shining in just the right direction and after having a good think about it, we are looking to put a couple of Paddy Fields in our paddock and, if we can persuade Thomas to rent us his field for next year, we could expand to the wettest field of them all across the road from the house.
Image result for paddy fields
I can just see us both in our wellies planting and caring for the crops ... I even quite like the hats  :-)
Sue xx
. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . Happy April  Fools Day  ;-)

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