In typical True Blood fashion, the second episode of the new season was less than stellar and could not stand up to the quality and goodness we saw in the first episode. I am not saying it was a bad episode; it was just not on par with the first one and for very good reasons. I was hoping it would start to be a trend. With that being said, there were some bright spots among the highs and lows.
That’s all I have to say about that, for now!
Jason Stackhouse always seems to get the short end of the stick and this time was no exception. He meets his Grandpa Niall who picked him up in the last episode and finds out that he has been watched his whole life. Niall knew about the middle finger he broke in the fourth grade and how it upset Jason that he could not flip off his friend Hoyt. Jason looked really happy that his Grand pappy was there when he scored the winning touchdown against the Shreveport Bulldogs but not about the juicy porn under his bed! Poor Jason was being tested and he failed miserably. Niall, the poor baby just needed to unload on someone! You know he hates tests, don’t make him feel bad!
I found it hilarious when Niall jumped through the portal in Sookie’s bathroom and Jason tried to follow! Jason and his “what the fuck are we eating spaghetti for,let’s go stake the bastard”! I love everything about Jason, no matter how dim-witted he can be. He is just so lovable.
I felt bad for Jason for two reasons: 1. He never gets any credit, he is not as stupid as people think and for his own grandpa to have doubts about him; it is a shame and 2. He was so excited at the thought of being a fairy prince and Niall had to shoot that down by telling him that the gene skipped him. Poor Baby! I fear that something terrible will happen to Jason in an effort to prove himself to his fairy grandfather and to protect Sookie. No one hopes that they are wrong more than me.
Just when you think you are gaining some ground on this show, they go back to the ‘stupid is as stupid does’ routine. I was proud of Sookie and her apparent growth in last week’s episode and then this episode came along. While walking to work, she stumbles upon a man moaning in the woods, she continues to walk on saying “no, not today” and he moans even louder. Of course she goes back and helps, just like in season One when she helped Bill. We know that this was a part of his gaining entry into her life and Ben is just more of the same.
When she hears his thoughts and finds out he is a fairy, she asked no questions when he said he was attacked by a vampire. Really Sookie? A half-fairy was supposedly attacked by a vampire in the middle of the day for 1 and for 2. he was not drained by the alleged vampire and you had no questions. Girl, your womanly instincts should have been screaming at you to RUN LIKE HELL! Instead, she brings him to her home for some bandages and he promptly passes out.
I see parallels between Ben and Bill, alright and the outcome will not be good. We all know how that first relationship worked out. Why does she HAVE to be with anyone right now? I think she has bigger fish to fry at the moment. Besides not trusting Ben as far as I could throw him, having Sookie gawk at him like she just found a new play toy just proves my point about her lack of growth. She just never learns her lesson about trusting people she just met. As I said, the outcome will not be good, I see it ending badly.
Stupid is as stupid does!
Sookie’s stupidity continues when she has no doubts about her fairy grandfather either. Jason made his grandfather prove things but they both still did not have enough questions about their history and heritage. We could have used more information and Sookie being a tad but more cautious and leery than Jason typically is, should have asked more questions.
For me, I would like an explanation on how Sookie is half-fae and a better explantion of why the gene skipped Jason. I will go back and forth on Sookie’s supposed growth throughout the season, I am sure one minute I will be applauding her and the next I will be ready to slap her. The below picture might be all the grown up Sookie gets though but only time will tell.
I am grown damnit!
I love La La and how he spent the day with Emma, playing dress-up and having high-tea but I really hope that the writers have something really good for him in store. The way he stuck up for Sam and Emma was great and I hated how Alcides merry band of hounds attacked Sam and La La for trying to keep to Luna’s wishes. I love how Sam is devoted to Emma and abiding by Luna’s last wish and I think he will make a great father to her but he is still soooooooo boring. I think Alcide was a proper prick for taking a crying Emma away over his shoulder.Oh and some friend you are Alcide, letting your cronies beat on Sam and my La La I abjure you, you brainless brute!
I will take it and then some. This was hands down the best part of the episode for me! I have been wanting to see Eric get into another character for a while and my patience paid off ten fold! Eric went from ‘I’m the boss’ with Nora and Pam after taking the nasty silver UV bullet from Tara’s side to a Fish and Wildlife junkie in nothing flat!
Alex has some mad acting skills to go from one extreme to the other and Eric’s conversation with the Governor was priceless. I loved the debate they were having and thought the Whooping Crane’s survival methods was a good analogy for a vampire’s survival! I love when I get Eric Northman as a nerd one minute and a seductive Viking the next! It was amazing!
I love his mad acting skills!
Notice to all my Eric fans or anyone else reading, as long as Eric is protecting his fellow vampires and those he loves from the likes of Bill AND anyone else……he will get a PASS from ME, NOT MATTER WHAT! That is it, that is all!
I am all for praying to the heavenly father but this was ridiculous and downright cringe-worthy. How she could be praying for/to him is beyond me when she just saw what he did to that poor woman. Last I checked God did not hurt people in that manner, it was disgusting. I thought the twisted neck scene was bad but this was twenty times worse! How can he be a ‘good’ prophet when we know what Lilith stood for last season and she was a ‘mad’ God! It did not sound to me that Lilith ever had good intentions and I wonder how True Blood will try and sell it to me. Oh wait, I know I know it will be a case of the writers block I write about below and give a very good example of. Here is what I have to say after seeing this…………
and this……………
Bill/Billith or whatever that thing is…WILL NOT get a PASS! NO Redemption! NO Sympathy! That THING gets NONE of that from me. Until such time as he takes responsibility for his actions and not even then will he get that from me. Period.
I am not sure if you (the writers) know this but we fans know and see all and will call you out if we feel the need to. We remember everything that has been said and done on this show, probably more so that you do. That has never been more apparent to me than at this moment. On the INSIDE THE EPISODE for ‘The Sun’ writer Angela Robinson stated that “[Eric] set all these things in motion, and now the vampires are f***ed. and well I think she needs to do some research on what happened in previous episodes.
I think that Angela Robinson is forgetting that Eric pretty much kept quiet while at the Authority, he offered up no plans or ideas while there. The reason the Governor went off like he did is because the TB factories were bombed and his wife left him for a vampire. We know whose idea it was to bomb the factories, Bill’s! Eric looked at him like what the hell are you doing? It was Bill’s idea and Eric warned him not to. Someone needs to read the past scripts again and get a clue. This is when the vampires became well and truly fucked and the humans are now using the weapons that were made in case the vampires ever stepped out of line.
“We’ve figured out a lot about your kind, helped us develop these fancy new weapons…. I have spent YEARS waiting for the political winds to swing my way and then you fuckers went out and bombed your own TB factories. All a sudden, no more obstacles and I’m a genius, so thank you for that!”~The Governor
This is what is wrong with this show, no one seems to know fuck all what is going on. If the writers are this lost and cannot get shit straight, how can we trust what they will bring us? Angela, this blame is all on Bill and the Authority council’s shoulders (to which most are dead)as well as Russell and Steve’s! This is when the shit hit the fan and someone on this show has got to grow a pair and admit it. If the writers keep this up, they are going to have to eat crow a lot!
It seems as if Eric has to own up to all his bad deeds but Bill will get a pass ever damn time for it is always someone or something else’s fault. Don’t you writers get that this is the HUGE turn off that makes most fans not want to watch? We are not interested in seeing the ‘rinse later and repeat’ cycle you have going on with Bill. It is beyond nauseating and at the same time it has become quite the joke. Come on True Blood, OWN IT! I just find it a shame when the viewers know more than the writers.
What did you think of this episode? Sound off below!