……I could not think of a title, simply because I was not inspired to do so. I have a confession to make and I am sure it won’t surprise any of you at all. I did NOT watch episode 7 of this show last week, I am quite alright with this fact. There was a time when that would have made me feel like I was missing out in something great. I was bothered by the fact that I was not bothered, I was once again numb. I am comfortably numb, once again.

Since this could very well be my last solo review on a True Blood episode, I am going ‘no-holds’ barred and just tell it like it is. I think every writer has that True Blood dart board at their house and with either a beer,a glass of wine or a Scotch in hand, they play a quick game of ‘what shall we write’ for this final season. Then,nice and tipsy from their preferred drink, they phone it in.
Do you know who benefits from this kind of writing/story? NO ONE!!! We are all getting cheated here. The writer’s could have chosen, from the beginning of this final season,all the way to the end, to go out with a BANG! They could have something huge planned but I have seen no evidence of it.
Where do I begin? Well, normally the beginning is the best course of action but seeing as how Eric is the main good thing about this, I will save that beginning for last.
Violet- All I can say is Ding Dong, the wicked bitch is dead. I saw no point to her character at all, she simply more filler to add to an already over-extended cast. The only good thing about this scene was Hoyt, ever the White Knight. I think Jessica had an orgasm. Will they or won’t they? Doubtful, True Blood always go the opposite of what they show you and they expect you to get it!
Sam- Where was he? I mean, he is only the mayor of the God forsaken town! Will he stay or will he go now? He missed out on seeing Hoyt too! Oh well, True Blood doesn’t care, why should I?
Tara, La La,and the Reverend They all hopped aboard the V train and took a ride to the past. What’s that? Why, you ask? Well, because the ‘something important’ Tara just had to share with her mother was that she was a good mother! I thought this was going to be some more pertinent to the current storyline but I really should have known better. I would have liked it better if this had been done while she was still alive. We already knew what Tara and her family had been through before and Lettie Mae was still a crappy mom. Basically, it was all just filler and a waste of the talent that is Nelsan and company.
I have had about all I can take from this character. He is not interesting, entertaining and definitely not a man I would take home to meet the family. The powers that be decided they were going to address some burning issues that felt a little too late for me. Why did Queen Sophie-Ann want with Sookie? We knew the answer to this long ago and I am more than a little passed that they chose to reveal it now and in such a Bill loving/fleshquaking way.
It seems QSA knew Mab was going to take all the half-fae back to the fairy realm for breeding and wanted Sookie for the same reason so she could have multiple ‘sunshine(s)’ in a pretty blonde bottle. We worked that out long ago so my question is why not reveal it shortly after (say season 4 or 5) Sookie found out about the Rat Reveal? This would have been the time to drop the bomb that Bill knew all along why the Queen wanted Sookie and that he knew what she was all along. It could have been so Goode but that ball was dropped.
He told her that he did not know why the Queen wanted her but he knew too much about her faeness for that to be true. It discounts their whole relationship as it was built on a lie and once again Sookie brushed it under the rug. He also admitted that he was a monster that did all kinds of terrible things to humans but she changed him and blah blah blah! That carp came straight out of the Bill lovers handbook and the writer’s went with it. Let me say this, if there was to be a season 8, would Bill have admitted to any of that? No, he would have carried on with his lies. If he was not on his deathbed, I don’t think Sookie could or should be so understanding. As I said, too late, this reveal is. It means nothing now.
Eric Northman, despite all the sloppy, lazy writing of late is still the best character on this show. As soon as he steps into any scenes, he immediately steals the show. I don’t speak for every fan but I bet every fan of this site will agree with me. Alex always delivers his lines to perfection and every line is said in true Eric fashion.
Yes, this post is a tribute of sorts to Eric who has been one, if not the best thing to come out of the hot mess that True Blood has become. I found myself laughing at the cocky way he was protecting Sookie from Gus by stating that she was just a ‘fangbanger’ that he once Fucked and how she could not get enough. He never lets his emotions get the best of him and betray him, for the most part anyway. I would like to think that I would have stumbled upon the amazing actor Alexander Skarsgard without the aid of this show but I will never know the answer for it. The truth is I have to give kudos to this show for introducing us to his talent. I have my cast favorites as does every fan and mine are Eric, Pam, Lafayette Andy and Jason. I like the other characters but much less as they never got under my skin.
I wish I had more to say about a show that once had me so glamoured that I would go through withdrawals when it was on hiatus until the next summer. I really do wish I could feel the same excitement I used to feel. With that being said, I hope it does go out with a BANG and gives me the feels again. I will just leave you with a few Eric gifs, one thing certain to give you the feels!

I am feeling a bit emotional about this post as it is my last solo review. ESL has becomes big part of my life and I am glad we are not going anywhere just yet. I am so thankful to the great friends that I have made in B, Erika and Evie and for all the love our followers have showed us. I love you all!