Merry Christmas from 1974–Ain’t That America! (Photo credit: deflam)
Firearm Sales . . . especially the sale of “black rifles” (military-style, semi-automatics like the AR-15).
It’s still possible that President Obama will try to “do something” about gun control by means of Executive Order–but it’s not likely. Unless there’s another school shooting in the next few weeks, I doubt that Congress will implement any substantial gun control legislation in the foreseeable future.
The Democrats implemented gun control in A.D. 1994 and lost control of the Congress in the A.D. 1996 elections. They haven’t forgotten that lesson. The Republicans will openly resist gun control legislation; the Democrats will try to duck the issue. The probability of significant federal gun control legislation is small.
Those of you who don’t like the 2nd Amendment might just as well get used to our right to keep and bear arms–or start steppin’ towards another country like England or Australia where guns are controlled to the point that they are almost impossible for law-abiding people to own.
This is The United States of America and We the People are going to keep our firearms.
Here’s a 6:56 video that shows how one gun store has been nearly cleaned out by purchases of “black-rifles,” high-capacity magazines and ammunition in just the past few days. I see the implications as huge.
Here’s a little article about another business whose sales soared 500% in the last few days: the manufacture of bulletproof children’s backpacks and children’s body armor: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/12/19/bulletproof-backpacks-kids-body-armor-in-demand-following-connecticut-school/
I’m sure that a lot people in this country and foreign countries will watch that video about firearms sales and read the article about children’s body armor and shake their heads in disbelief and contempt. They are probably asking, What kind of country is so crazy about firearms that they even provide body armor for children?
I understand their point of view, but I not only disagree with that assessment, I take pride in the previous video and article.
For me, the sudden rise in sales of military-style firearms and body armor for kids only signals that while Americans may be ignorant and self-indulgent–while we’ve played the fool for the past half century and may soon have to pay the fool’s price as consequence of our previous economic stupidities–We are the People of The United States of America. And that’s sayin’ somthin’. We may bend, but we don’t break.
Thomas Jefferson observed,
“When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.”
Americans have been afraid of our government for a decade or more. That fear paralleled a growing police state and rising tyranny. But the previous video about the sudden sale of “black rifles” and the article about childrens’ body armor is evidence that we don’t depend on government. We don’t need you, Obama. We can protect our children on our own. More, we don’t fear our government. We are gearing up (if necessary) for a fight the government can’t possibly win.
For me, that video on firearms sales and the article on child body armor signals a turning point: we’re overcoming our fear of government. I think that turning point ought to scare the hell out every president, congressman, senator, judge and bureaucrat. I think the government is beginning to fear the People.
And I say Hooray!
I say that’s a first step back towards Liberty!
We are the People of The United States of America. We may bend, but we don’t break.
We don’t care what the collectivists think. We don’t care what the rest of the world thinks. We are going to keep our firearms.
Get used to it.