Society Magazine

The NRA Hits a New, If Predictable, Low

Posted on the 11 January 2014 by Morage @kebmebms


Photo: NRA NEWS DEFENDS ACCIDENTAL SHOOTINGS OF CHILDREN: In the past week, 26 children have been shot in accidents involving guns, yet NRA News host Cam Edwards criticizes Moms Demand Action’s call for child access prevention laws, saying adults should not be held accountable for negligence in these cases. He argues against laws regarding safe gun storage, citing that there are no “knife storage laws,” and adds that children die in many kinds of accidents. Read about it here: we CAN make this world safer for our kids, we SHOULD. Period. Join us as we work for child access prevention laws:
In the past week, 26 children have been shot in accidents involving guns yet NRA News host Cam Edwards criticizes Moms Demand Action’s call for child access prevention laws, saying adults should not be held accountable for negligence in these cases. He argues against laws regarding safe gun storage, citing that there are no “knife storage laws,” and adds that children die in many kinds of accidents. Read about it here: we CAN make this world safer for our kids, we SHOULD. Period. Join us as we work for child access prevention laws:  

Accidental child shootings twice as common as statistics show

Children and Guns - The Hidden Toll 

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