Aurora was the talk of the town during this year’s CMJ for a reason. Her latest single, “Under Stars”, shows her talent for transforming simple folk songs into anthemic masterpieces. Her enrapturing voice has the unique quality of being both delicate and powerful at the same time, much like fellow Glassnote artist and Wild Honey Pie favorite Daughter. In “Under Stars”, pulsating synths, big drums and a sweeping background of ethereal “ah’s” swirl around young Aurora’s vocals, producing a transportive sort of otherwordly effect. Listening to this song brings back the same goosebumps from her packed performance at Rockwood Music Hall. With Glassnote now behind her, I’m sure we will be hearing lots more from this sweet little lady very soon.
Entertainment Magazine
The New Single from Aurora is an Otherworldly Adventure [stream]
Posted on the 17 December 2014 by Thewildhoneypie @thewildhoneypie
Aurora – Under Stars