Travel Magazine

The Must-Have B Vitamin You’re Missing In Your Multivitamin

By Jeska @WandererJeska

Must-Have B Vitamin You’re Missing In Your MultivitaminIt’s no surprise that one of the most common supplements taken in the United States is a multivitamin. They’re an easy way to make sure you are receiving all the nutrients your body needs and are fairly affordable. However, some multivitamins can be lacking one key ingredient that women’s bodies need and that’s folic acid. The Arizona Department of Health Services knows how important folic acid is and that’s why they’re giving women ages 18-45 a free 3-month supply of multivitamins with folic acid at So what is it about this B-vitamin that makes it so crucial?

In Your Foods

Folic acid is one of the B vitamins that are found naturally in dry beans, dark leafy green vegetables, citrus fruits, and breakfast cereals. It helps prevent painful brain and spinal birth defects, heart disease, memory loss, stress, anemia, and may lower your risk of cancer. Yes, that’s right, cancer.

So why does your multivitamin need to have the added folic acid when you can eat these foods instead? Well, even though these foods are excellent sources of nutrition, you would need to consume a large amount of them to get what you need since your body only absorbs of the folic acid that you consume. That’s why, in addition to eating all these healthy foods, a single daily multivitamin with folic acid is a great way to make sure you get your recommended daily intake of vitamins!

Fitness Perks

As you now know, folic acid aids in the prevention of heart disease. This is done by reducing the amount of homocysteine circulating in your blood. Since homocysteine may increase with intense exercise and most normal athletes consume less folic acid, it should be a crucial part of your fitness.

Beauty Benefits

In addition to all of these awesome benefits that come along with a daily intake of folic acid, you can also step up your beauty game since folic acid is fabulous for your hair, skin, and nails. That’s right, you don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars on crazy health schemes to achieve those long luscious locks, long nails and glowing skin!

Safety is Key

Though folic acid does play a big role in women’s health, it is also important to remember that too much folic acid can be detrimental to your health as well. Even as a water-soluble supplement, you can put yourself at risk if you consume more than your health care provider recommends daily.

By consuming the recommended 400mcg of folic acid a day, you are getting one step closer to a healthier lifestyle. So start gobbling down those leafy greens and grab a bottle of multivitamins with folic acid and you’ll be on your way to a healthier you!

Want to try a bottle of multivitamins with folic acid before taking the plunge and purchasing a bottle on your own? Well you’re in luck! Head on over to PowerMe A2Z and you’ll receive a FREE PowerPack with a 3-month supply of multivitamins with folic acid and other great health information!

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