Hair & Beauty Magazine
Spring is slowly approaching and with spring it will come and warmer weather, longer days and more sunshine. The best way to welcome the spring is with a bright and cheery manicure. Pastel colors this season are in trend, so put aside dark and strong colors of nail varnish. Because there are so many great choices, we took part of the colors that will be popular this season. Have a look.
Whitecolors Whitecoloris the newneutral color. Butthough itmay looklikethe easiestchoice, if you begintolook forthe perfectshadeforyour nails, you will realizethat there aremorevariationsthan you canimagine. Fortunately, alltheseshadessuit allskin tones.
Yellow-greenish colors Althoughtheseshadesare somewhatunusualcombination andit takes timetoget used tothemifyou arewillingtoexperiment,you will notmake a mistakewiththis choice.
Gray-brown color
This shade of color coatings is achieving the dream. She looks gorgeous on nails, never goes out of fashion and will fit with all types and colors of clothing and makeup. Reddish-pink color Nail varnishesincoralcolorwill alwaysbeoneof the favoritechoicesduringwarmerwinters, butthisseasonthe trendshiftstomore delicateshades. Thesecolorsdo notinterruptdirectlyin the eyes, butyou canstill controlitsbrightnessdependingon howyouwanttobeimpressive.
Seagreencolor Ifyou're bored withthe differentshadesofmintand do not wanttocarry astrongemerald coloron your nails,let thesea-green shadestobeyour newchoice. Although itissimilar tomenthol, thisshadeiscloser toblueand thereforegivesan unexpectedtwist. Subtledifference,butenoughtorefreshyour collectionofgreennailvarnishes.
Palebluecolors Whenblueis verypale, it becomessimilar tothe whiteshades, and thusalmostneutral. Palebluecolorscorrespond toalmosteverything, butat the same timewillmakeyournailsstand out.
Pastel pink colors
We've all spent time in which we were dependent on the pastel pink colors of nail varnishes . Simply there is something refreshing and delicate into them, especially in the way they look on nails - perfect for welcoming a hotter time.Purple colors
Nail varnishes in gray - purple color this season are one of the most popular choices. They are the perfect compromise between gray and purple and therefore fall into the neutral territory. You can wear them without thinking at work and out to dinner.Soft yellow colors
If you were waiting for the appropriate moment to try the yellow shades of nail varnishes, but for long you have been unable to find a shade that you like, then maybe you should give them a chance on these. Pale yellowish color does not have the strength of the color of a lemon, but anyway they give to your nails a subtle explosion of color.