Languages Magazine

The MindMeld API: Introducing the Management Console

By Expectlabs @ExpectLabs

MindMeld’s management console is a handy tool that lets developers view and maintain all of their apps that leverage our API. In the video above, watch as we take you through the ins and outs of the console’s main features.


In this video, I will take you through your own personalized management console. To start using MindMeld to build applications, the first thing you have to do is sign up for an account at If you haven’t already, just click on the sign up button, enter your username, email address, and your password. Click “create account,” and then that will take you to your customized management console for your first app. The app will already be created for you, it will be called “Hello World” and you can then use that app to begin sending calls to the mm platform.

If you want to change the name of your app, just insert your cursor into the name of the app and change it to whatever name you want. if you have an account that’s beyond our basic level, you’ll have the ability to create multiple apps. In order to do that, just click on the plus sign next to “My Apps” and that will automatically create a new application. If at any point you want to delete an application, just click on the X next to it. Be careful, because deleting an application will delete all of the data associated with the app. On the right hand side, you will see the appid and appsecret parameter. This is the information you will need to get tokens so you can begin making calls to the MindMeld API. To learn more about it, read the section on how to get tokens in the documentation section.

In your management console, the first thing you’ll see are some high level stats about your application: number of users, number of sessions, number of documents that you’ll index, as well as some basic usage stats that track how many queries and context uploads have happened in the past day, past month, or all time. To begin exercising API calls for this application, scroll down to the API Explorer tool, click on the button, and that will launch the tool. Please check out our other video that goes into more detail about how to use this very powerful tool. If you want to start crawling and indexing documents so that you can search across them, just click on the button that says Crawl Manager, and this will launch the tool. If you’d rather use our API to have programmatic control over what documents are indexed, you can cllick on “Learn More About Our API,” and that will take you to the documents endpoint that you can then use to post specific documents that you want to index and search across in your application.

Now coming soon, we’re going to have a variety of tools that will make it easy for you to simulate user context data as well as fine tune ranking. We call these tools the Context Simulator and the Ranking Dashboard, and they will be available in the coming weeks.

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