Religion Magazine

The Magnificent Joy of Getting Rid of All Your Problems

By Albert Wagner @albertwagner4
It is a fascinating phrase.
It is paraphrased three different times in the Bible and it tells us something significant about the Lord.
And Jesus, who knew what they were thinking                                                      - Mark 2:8, Luke 5:22, Luke 6:8
That is pretty scary, isn't it?
The phrase seems to be in the context of people thinking sinful things. The point is that Jesus not only could see what people were doing as 100% human, but he knew what they really thought as 100% God. 
What Are YOU Thinking?
What this tells the author is that Jesus is even more merciful than he appears to be in Scripture.  He already appears forgiving and non-judgmental, but the phrase "he knew what they were thinking" adds an extra dimension.  The dimension is that it takes even more from him to be forgiving of humans.
Can you imagine knowing what the people were thinking at a Sunday Mass?  Sure, they might be smiling on the outside but what are they really thinking?  This is boring?  What errands are there to go on today?
Humans don't possess this perspective of knowing what others are thinking.  Humans try to discern this by non-verbal communication, but that can also be misleading at times. (Would you life be easier if you DID know what others were thinking?)
On primary reason Jesus died and rose again was to atone for the human sins of Adam and Eve, which were passed on to subsequent generations.  Have you thought about what that means?
 It means Jesus gives you a clean slate, just as if you never sinned in the first place!
If you really knew what people were thinking you would have a better grasp that this forgiveness by Jesus is not really deserved.  In everyday life people talk about injustices they face and this is true.  In God's infinite wisdom and mercy, however, all of the injustice is made up for if you are a believer and repent.
Born Again
Just think about that; EVERY regret you have had in your life, and EVERY injustice you have ever faced can be thought of as if they never happened!   If you asked people in your daily life what they really wanted deep down wouldn't things like these be included?
Yet the message of Jesus is not absorbed by the majority of people in this way.  Perhaps it is because it sounds too good to be true or because they have heard it so many times before.  It might even be because they are focused on their daily life and do not fully grasp how it personally effects them.  Others might see how it personally effects them, but they do not perceive how it effects them NOW.

Born again

Image from stockxchng

The amazing part is that Jesus took all of this on himself, according to the Father's will. If someone said they would take on EVERY sorrow, trial and injustice you have ever experienced, what would you say?
It is not mentioned a lot, but Jesus had the option of NOT dying and resurrecting according to the Father's will.  It was a choice.  Where would you be then?
Forgiving is difficult from a human perspective.  When people do things to us we perceive as unjust our first natural reaction is to get back at them somehow.
Since Jesus knows what we are thinking (which can be bad sometimes) he is even more forgiving than it appears on the surface.
No wonder it is called the Good News.
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Author:  Albert Wagner

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