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The Magic That is Tage Andersen

By Thehousethatlarsbuilt @houselarsbuilt
The magic that is Tage Andersen When I first moved to Denmark someone left me a comment saying that I needed to get to know the work of Tage Andersen. I'm very obedient so I did. I was in love. I wrote a blog post. Check. However, I only viewed his website and somehow didn't fully understand that he had a shop/gallery/museum here in Copenhagen. Not only that, but that this place will take you to another world.  The magic that is Tage Andersen The magic that is Tage Andersen I stumbled on it a few weeks ago and somehow knew from a distance that this was his shop. I walked in, gasped, and nearly started to cry. Ok, I might be slightly overemotional, but truly, he's created another world. There are oversized bird cages and exotic birds walking around, sculptures he's created, and flowers, flowers, flowers everywhere. You might imagine that my heart nearly stopped. WELL, yesterday I accidentally ended up on Ny Adelgade again and guess who I saw just outside? TAGE ANDERSEN! Now, the man is distinct. He looks and dresses as if he's from another era. "Excuse me, excuse me, are you Tage Andersen?" He turns and I know I've got my guy. "Yes". Then I become a blubbering fool. A BLUBBERING FOOL! My heart sped up, "I'm a huge fan..." and you kind of know how it goes from there. Needless to say, I returned after my meeting to go through the museum and was entranced and Mr. Andersen was so kind to let me go through and look through his creations including a garden in the courtyard. Please check out a few details here. The magic that is Tage Andersen The magic that is Tage Andersen
The magic that is Tage Andersen The magic that is Tage Andersen The magic that is Tage Andersen The magic that is Tage Andersen The magic that is Tage Andersen The magic that is Tage Andersen The best part is that he has a home (a palace really) in Sweden, Gunillaberg, where he has more of his creations. It's only open in the summer, so you must go.
The magic that is Tage Andersen The magic that is Tage Andersen
The magic that is Tage Andersen
The magic that is Tage Andersen
The magic that is Tage Andersen
The magic that is Tage Andersen
The magic that is Tage Andersen
The magic that is Tage Andersen
The magic that is Tage Andersen

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