Environment Magazine

The Landfill Harmony

Posted on the 16 December 2012 by Thewritefuture @thewritefuture
Cateura is a the small town in Paraguay, build on top of a landfill where families are poor, and kids face challenges such as drugs and gangs. But a few years ago, when orchestra director Szaran and music teacher Favio set up a music program for the children, they soon had more students than instruments. That problem has now resulted in a very special project: instruments made out of garbage. And today, there’s an entire orchestra of assembled instruments, called The Recycled Orchestra. A film is being made to shows how trash and recycled materials can be transformed into beautiful sounding musical instruments, but more importantly, it brings witness to the transformation of precious human beings. The full movie will be finished in 2014, but please watch the trailer. What an inspiring initiative!  

Landfill Harmonic movie teaser from Landfill Harmonic on Vimeo.

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