Books Magazine

The King’s Throne: The Elysian Blade of Truth by Mealea Mathews: Spotlight with Excerpt

By Lauriej
The King’s Throne: The Elysian Blade of Truth by Mealea Mathews: Spotlight with Excerpt 
KingsThrone Kindle Book cover 1   Virtual Book Tour Dates: 5/6/14 - 5/20/14 Genres: Fantasy, Epic Fantasy, High Fantasy, Adventure Fantasy, Traditional Fantasy, Fantasy Quest
Blurb:One day, as Grys, butler to the king and queen of Aldamanis, is walking through town, a woman appears in front of him. Later on, she appears again in his chambers. She puts thoughts of ruling into his mind as he sleeps, and she is soon appointed court wizard. However, troubles begin to ensue throughout the kingdom as she, Nnelthu Leas, plants the seeds of doubt throughout the land. "I think it's high time we bring an end to this charade, my dear." She effortlessly tossed him into one of the pillars. Alexi drew his sword and charged at her, she caught the blade with her fingertips and gently brought him close. "Something wrong, your majesty? Not feeling well? You can thank Grys for that."  
  • Live the world of the Faerie; A Fantasy of sword and sorcery, myth, and magic.
  • Follow the beguiled and betrayed queen; See her quest to restore her husband's throne. 
  • Find out the secrets of Zan; The Elysian elf and famed master swordsman.
  • Follow the king and discover his legacy; Read as the king unfolds the truth and finds justice.
Along their momentous journey to the Queen of Fire {wherein the truth about the great legacy is revealed}, the King makes a promise to fulfill his ancestors' wishes. With a fearless swordsman by their side and a mighty Dragonman, they face the Wizard seeking an alternative to mere revenge.The King’s Throne Book 1 is a debut novel of classic high fantasy genre containing magical creatures and wondrous worlds which is refreshingly original and exciting. The in-depth world building transports you into a mesmerizingly atmospheric setting of breathtaking vision. Beautifully multi-layered and full of delicious detail, the deftly woven narrative is richly compelling. Any fan of high / epic fantasy genre will find this scintillating story an engaging, interesting and brilliantly crafted that slots alongside the likes of Terry Brooks or David Farland. Intrigue, revenge, and magic merge together in a sharp storyline that's engaging, highly readable and full of astonishing premise. With bloodthirsty battles, deadly adversaries, wise Wizards and heroic quests this novel really does contain all the elements of a sweeping fantasy!
See the trailer on YouTube!
Excerpt:The blizzard buffeted the kingdom of Aldamanis. The great white castle suffered less than the outlying castle towns that surrounded her mountainous expanse. It stood high in the mountains as a shield against a hail of arrows. High in the highest mountains this great castle held firm against the blizzards that plagued the land every winter. The people became similarly hardy to the trials that visited them. How this kingdom had prospered for so long under such tenuous circumstances as the foul weather and the incredible heights could be attributed to the faerie that lived in the region. Most called them deep folk or stout folk. Dwarves,  though long lived, preferred their own kingdom. They often cited that humans, while well intentioned, were not meant to prosper at the side of the Faerie and so they taught men how to live in the mountains and even offered to have them claim mines they managed to build above the dwarven kingdoms below. This was normally on the grounds that the dwarves were to be left to their own designs. And so the kingdom above, called the hinter court, or the kingdom of the white winter, was aided by a kingdom of darkness and stone below, the dwarven kingdom. The two coexisted for a long time, but seldom did one intrude upon the other, nor did they aid one another lest the other made the request and a stout offer. With time, the kingdoms came to trust one another and guide one another through the times and the passing of the seasons. The humans would learn the practical art of forging an oven with heat enough to bake ten fires with naught but a few lumps of wood and the dwarves would learn the finer crafts of blanket weaving, an appreciation of art they'd previously considered foolishness, and various other useful transactions of cultural knowledge. When one kingdom acquired a new technology, it was given to the other for a price. In this way trade led to a mutual prospering between the two kingdoms.
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About the Author:Mealea Mathews Image Profile high for book coversMealea Mathews, teacher from Perth, Western Australia, is a qualified educational instructor who received her degree in 2007 from Edith Cowan University. Mealea has been teaching for several years, but her passion has always been writing fiction fantasy. After the birth of her first child in 2013, Mealea taught part time and started writing more at home. Her friends and colleagues encouraged her to publish. As a result, in her debut novel, The Kingdom of Aldamanis was created through The Kings Throne series.
Author Links:WebsiteFacebook PageTwitterGoogle Plus Page
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