Gardening Magazine

The King is Dead. Long Live the King!

By Mwillis
I'm trying hard to achieve seamless succession of the salad crops this year (hence the title of my post). I have already written several times about my lettuces, but now I want to introduce a couple of new members of the dynasty.
This is "Little Gem" - a classic Cos or Romaine type. Not mature yet, but beginning to heart-up:
The King is dead. Long live the King!
This is "Fristina", a frilly "cut-and-come-again" type.
The King is dead. Long live the King!
This is something that will go well in a salad with those lettuces - Beetroot "Boltardy".
The King is dead. Long live the King!
The photo makes it seem quite big, but right now that beetroot is only the size of a large marble.
This is a tomato type that I have nicknamed "Japanese Purple". The seeds were given to me by a friend. The wording on the packet is in Japanese (which I don't understand), and the picture shows tomatoes that are distinctly purple in color - hence the name.
The King is dead. Long live the King!
And most salads benefit from the inclusion of a cucumber or two, so here's "Iznik F1":
The King is dead. Long live the King!
And here are few of the junior members of the family, awaiting their turn...
The King is dead. Long live the King!
Just visible at the bottom of the picture is a green pot with some Landcress seedlings in it, and above that, in the black pot, are a few Lamb's Lettuce / Corn Salad seedlings. Most of the others are Endives, Radicchio and Lettuce.
These are the babies of the family...
The King is dead. Long live the King!
That's four different types of Endive. Notice how many seedlings there are. That's because the last lot I sowed did not germinate well. I thought "This time I'll sow LOADS of seeds and some of them are bound to come up." I think they ALL came up. I'll have to drastically thin them out very soon, because they won't enjoy being crowded like that.

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