Food & Drink Magazine

The Kiddy Friendly PG 13 Singapore Sling

By Zoebakeforhappykids @bake4happykids
Happy 2015!!!
Are you happy that a brand new year has begun? Me? Of course!!! A new year means more challenges for me.
Looking back at 2014, I think that I have archived lots but have seen many sad events that happened around me. In regardless of the good and bad times, I like to move forward and kick start a new year with a few new year resolutions.
Do you have any resolution for 2015?
My husband said that he is going to start brewing his own beer for 2015. He is now busy setting up his beer brewing man cave in our garage. Hope that he won't break his resolution... Let's see.
After enjoying a few sourdough breads, my son said that he is recruiting me to help him to make his own sourdough starting culture. I told him that it is not easy because he will have to feed the culture regularly but my son said that this will be his summer holidays project for 2015. Hope that he will culture the right thing... No mould, please! LOL!
For me, I'm happy that I have done lots for my baking, cooking, blogging and running for 2014. And so, I can't really think of a new set of resolutions but just baking and running with lots of improvements for 2015.
What's next for 2015?

Anne from My Bare Cupboard is the hostess of Little Thumbs Up for January 2015 and the event starts on tomorrow, the first Tuesday of January 2015, 6th Jan 2014 and her theme is NOODLES and PASTA!
Yen from Eat your heart out, Diana from Domestic Goddess Wannabe and I are back to cook and bake lots for Cook and Celebrate: Chinese New Year 2015 for the whole of February 2015.
Joyce from Kitchen Flavours, Lena Frozen Wings and I are continuing to bake lots for our bake-along for 2015 with specific themes and recipes.Please cook, bake and blog along with us...
Plus, I'm working closely with companies like NuNaturals, Tovolo (Australia) and Alfa One Rice Bran Oil and more. In the near future, I will organize many giveaways, recommend great products and sincerely hope that my blog will benefit you and your cooking.
Before we proceed, let celebrate and wish that 2015 will be a wonderful year or even better than 2014.
Cheers with these kiddy-friendly alcohol-free kind of Singapore Sling!!!

kid friendly non alcohol Singapore Sling

The kiddy friendly kind of Singapore Sling

The Kiddy Friendly PG 13 Singapore Sling

These Singapore sling kind of ice cubes are made in these cute Tovolo ice trays.

The Kiddy Friendly PG 13 Singapore Sling

These are the juices that I have used.

The Kiddy Friendly PG 13 Singapore Sling

I mixed the juices in an ideal proportion and freeze them into ices.

The Kiddy Friendly PG 13 Singapore Sling

Despite of its odd shapes and less firmer structure (due to the presence of natural sugars), these ice are easy to remove from these flexible trays
To remove, pull the tray from both of sides of the ices. Pop the ice out by pushing the bottom of the ice mold.

The Kiddy Friendly PG 13 Singapore Sling

Place the ice in glasses filled with tonic water plus teaspoonful of fresh lime juice.

The Kiddy Friendly PG 13 Singapore Sling

Time to celebrate! Cheers!

Here's the recipe that is mostly adapted from Epicurious
Serve 4
3/4 cup pomegranate juice
1/2 cup mango juice
1/2 cup pineapple juice
2 tbsp fresh lime juice, plus lime wedges to serve
60 to 90 ml tonic water or sparkling water if tonic water is too bitter for you*
My 5 year old son said that he prefers the drink with tonic water because it has better flavours than the one with plain sparkling water... I guess this preference doesn't depend on age and can be quite subjective.
Combine 3/4 cup pomegranate juice, 1/2 cup mango juice and 1/2 cup pineapple juice. Fill ice trays with the combined juices. Freeze until the ice solidified.
To serve, fill up the serving glasses with the juice ice cubes (about 1-5 as the number required depends on the size of the ice). Top the glasses with adequate tonic water or sparkling water and squeeze about 1 tsp of lime juice into each glass. Serve with extra lime wedges.
Enjoy the drinks.

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