Society Magazine

The Kansas Higher Education Budget Slash

Posted on the 24 March 2013 by Morage @kebmebms

From Representative Paul Davis, yesterday, from his Facebook page:

"Republican House leaders said yesterday that higher education can handle a $29 million cut. They said the concerns of hardworking middle class taxpayers are just 'rhetoric' and 'have no merit.' 

Fact: Higher education has been cut 40% per pupil since 1999, and for the first time in Kansas history, tuition comprises more in college funding than state aid."
Are not our children the best reason for wanting them to get a great education?
Is this not one of the best and smartest things we can do for them, let alone our state and nation?
Since when does wanting a good education not benefit everyone involved? 
If you haven't had a chance to sign this petition yet, please go here and do so:
Links: House Speaker Merrick OK with 4 percent cut to higher education

Paul Davis | Facebook

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