(Berlin, July 25th – 28th, 2012)
The world financial crisis of 2008 has influenced the economic agenda of leading governments and organizations and caused a series of important events ranging from the collapse of corporations to the failure of EU member states and the downgrading of various countries’ credit rating. These events forced significant austerity measures, which have affected the economic situation around the globe.
Sustainable development of nations and regions is of particular importance during this period of economic turbulence in order to mitigate the effect of these economic crises on communities around the globe. The great challenge facing sustainable development in the context of austerity measures is that it is harder to divert funds to promote sustainable development, especially if there are unsustainable development options which are less expensive; sustainability is not necessarily a priority in these circumstances.
The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in Africa will be held after to the Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development and will focus on the importance of sustainable development to the future of Africa. The conference will offer perspectives on how cultural diplomacy policies can assist in strengthening existing and future sustainable development policies and, in particular, how cultural diplomacy practices are necessary to express and mediate the rationale behind investment in sustainable development during this challenging period.
For more info about the agenda, please clicke HERE.
For more info about the timetable, please click HERE.