I wish I came to you in a better mood and with better news today. Last night, two of my Tumblr followers attempted suicide. One did not succeed but plans to try again soon. The other...I haven't heard from. Nobody has heard from.
So, with heavy heart, I remind you that, no matter how hopeless it seems, no matter how alone you feel, your life has an impact on those around you. I have never met the two lovely ladies who attempted suicide. Yet I was devastated to learn of their attempts. I spent over half the night refreshing my browser, praying they would contact me to say that they had changed their minds or that their attempts failed. I still hold this crazy hope that the one young lady who hasn't contacted me is simply in a hospital getting the help she needs and is therefore unable to contact me.
Your life matters.
And one more thing. I've noticed that most of my fellow SI sufferers have not told their loved ones. Many of them have told no one in the real world, only online. I challenge you - tell someone you trust. It won't be easy. They may not react the way you want them to. But you need someone in real life to know what you're going through. You need someone in real life to know that you injure yourself, that you're suicidal, that you have an eating disorder, whatever it is you're going through.
Then, at least, someone will know and be able to help you when it gets bad. I couldn't help my two lovely followers because they weren't checking their messages and I have no idea who they actually are. Please don't let that be you. Please give your loved ones the chance to help you.