Society Magazine

The ICD Meets Shimon Peres and the Peres Center for Peace

Posted on the 04 July 2012 by Cdnews

Recognition of Distinguished Contribution to World Peace – To President Shimon Peres

The ICD Meets Shimon Peres and the Peres Center for Peace
The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy would like to express our admiration and profound gratitude for your consistent and sustained dedication toward the achievement of an enduring peace, even in the midst of the most demanding and troubled times.

The ICD Meets Shimon Peres and the Peres Center for Peace
You have inspired millions to never be satisfied with the status quo but rather to assiduously continue to pursue peace. You have dedicated your life to the goal of enduring peace that will achieve dignity for Israelis, for Palestinians and for all of Israel’s Arab neighbors and this unswerving commitment serves as a role model and an inspiration for the younger generation of leaders from these countries.

We share fully your well-articulated vision that “a Middle East that is not a killing Field, but a Field of Creativity and Growth” and, following your example, we have committed our Institute to promoting this urgent and critical endeavor.

We commend you for your unwavering contributions to peace in Israel, Palestine, the Middle East and the world.

Yours sincerely,

Mark Donfried   The Hon. Dr. Emil Constantinescu  

Founder and Executive Director   President of the ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy

Institute for Cultural Diplomacy   Former President of Romania


 The Hon. Dr. Solomon Passy      The Hon. Yasar Yakis

President of the Atlantic Club of Bulgaria   President of the ICD Young Leaders Forum

Former Foreign Minister of Bulgaria      Former Foreign Minister of Turkey


Date: July 4th, 2012


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