Fashion Magazine

The Hunger Games Countdown: Day 3 Cinna

By Bostonista @thebostonista
Day 3 of my Hunger Games countdown and it's time to take a look at fan favorite, Cinna! He's being portrayed by rocker/actor Lenny Kravitz and I think the casting was spot on. The Hunger Games Countdown: Day 3 Cinna Cinna is the voice of reason in the luxurious mayhem of the Capitol. His simple personal style, black pants, button down shirt is enhanced by only subtle gold eye liner- a stark contrast to the Capitol's other stylists with their surgically altered appearances, dyed skin, and gem-encrusted facial tattoos.  He quickly gains Katniss' trust with his steady eyes and beautiful designs. He may be forced to play The Hunger Games but he plays it on his own, subtly subversive, terms.
Cinna has a lot in common with designer Tom Ford. In fact, Lenny has even given interviews that he based a lot of his character on Mr. Ford.
The Hunger Games Countdown: Day 3 Cinna
Tom also prefers a simple uniform and can usually be found with his first few buttons undone. He has also carved out a powerful career without following industry rules. His in-your-face sexuality at Gucci and YSL launched a glamorous career until 2004 when he left Gucci Group and took time away from the fashion world. Instead of fading away into obscurity his time off only increased his mystique. Now that he's back in the womenswear game he's continued to shun the fashion mayhem by presenting collections only every six months (no resort or pre-fall madness) and, controversially, showing only to a small group of editors and buyers with the promise that they take no pictures (no tweet pics!) and write no reviews. Like Cinna, Tom has been able to stay true to himself while still playing the fashion game.
The Hunger Games Countdown: Day 3 Cinna The Hunger Games Countdown: Day 3 Cinna (My favorite looks from Tom Ford's S/S 2012 collections courtesy of Tom Ford)

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