Following the success of The Great British Bake Off – a British television show where amateur bakers were pitted against each other in a series of baking competitions – the BBC just launched their latest program, The Great British Sewing Bee. The concept is the same, but instead of flour and water, we have thread and needle. The show’s challenges all revolve around making women’s clothing, and though this site is about menswear, I thought the show might be of interest to readers since there’s a focus on tailoring. The contestants, for example, are asked to make an A-line skirt within three hours and a custom dress within seven. I think of tailoring as a mostly quiet, almost private, activity, but the time pressures and cast of characters actually make for engaging television. They also throw in a bit of history regarding pattern making, show viewers how to make a simple laundry bag, and along the way, demonstrate some of the challenges in the craft. Who would have though discussions of darts and pattern making would ever make for popular TV?
Plus, one of the judges is Savile Row’s Patrick Grant, which I admit makes for an odd judge since he has no technical training in tailoring. However, he’s charming and I suppose lends a bit of star quality (is Patrick known outside of the menswear world?). In any case, sewing instructor May Martin picks up any technical issues Patrick has missed, and Patrick has enough of an eye to say when something has been constructed sloppily (his comments are a good way for the viewer to learn when something fits, incidentally).
The BBC’s iPlayer is only viewable in the UK, but you can find the first episode uploaded on various websites pretty easily now. Here it is on Youtube, and embedded below for your convenience. Enjoy.