Something in the wind has changed. It's not quite Spring yet, which I'm happy about because I still need to take my son tobogganing for the first time this weekend, but the sun is shining warmer during the day and lifting my spirits just the same.

Lately, I've been busy, which is actually how I like to live my life, I just need to stay afloat! I wouldn't call myself an overly spiritual person, that is compared to someone like my mom, but I do believe that we're all connected and that the energy we send out into the world dictates what we will get out of it.
Is it any coincidence that when we think about someone we care about they call us, or send us a message or the case of my son, climb into bed with us? I don't think it's chance, energy is a powerful thing. So today I hope you feel my totally positive and good vibe, and if you think about me pick up the phone and give me a call!

The Reason I Dressed
This is what I wore to teach my first class at the CNA, the Association of Italian Artisans and Businesses. Last week in this post, I invited you into our factory in this post and I briefly introduced you to my man and my in-laws who you'll be seeing more of on the blog!
I got to chatting about if you can truly teach an artisan or if the best of them are those that grow up in the craft, like my man and who have a lifetime of knowledge and experience (that being said my husband still thinks he ahas a lot to learn!)

The work of an Italian artisan is something more than learning how to make a model, it is about a lifelong knowledge of materials, manipulation, design and outcomes. It is an art.
I also wrote about how the class that I am teaching is 100% women and how I was convinced that the artisan trades in Italy were mostly occupied by men, but I was WRONG! There is something oddly empowering about a woman learning a , and I will let you in on a little secret.

#GIRLBOSS : To Boldly Go Where They Say You Can't
My dad is a retired construction worker. A house painter to be precise. For as long as I can remember he would wake up at 5:45am to go to work and come home at 6 pm. Often even later if he had a lot of projects on the go.
My parents were entrepreneurs and my mom managed all of the accounting for his house painting business. Turns out my dad was a great painter and his business grew exponentially in Canada, in fact he was able to raise 4 kids by working at it for 12+ hours a day, grazie pà!

I LOVE the smell of paint. I do.
From when I was 11 to around 18 I was always the kid who would want to go with him to the shop to finish up a job or to visit suppliers and home restoration stores. When I see a man with a painters cap and paint marks on his trousers I'm reminded of my dad, and my childhood memories are tied to the small of latex primer and oil based wood stain.
I loved that world. As soon as my dad would let me, I bought my first tools and started refinishing furniture. I did my sister's entire dining room set and would rather spend a Saturday on a ladder painting crown moulding than going to the mall. I remember when I asked my dad if I could join the family business when I was 18 and he said it was no place for a woman, I cried. But I get it.

The job site is filled with men, older men, men that tell dirty jokes, bad men that do cocaine to stay awake and young men that smoke joints to relax. The construction job sites in rural Ontario are not where a man imagines his daughter spending her life. And so I got a scholarship and went to University...which was ok too!
Manual labour has always remained my first love, in fact the year I moved to Italy I had just started a carpenty apprentice program, but that wasn't in the cards for me. It's a good thing my man lets me take care of the manual things in our house (and too bad about that time I almost flooded our whole building! - note to Italians who marry Canadians, we don't have rad heaters in Canada, don't let your wives NEAR them!)

What I Wore - Bright Orange Silk
A big part of me is thankful I didn't continue along the path of manual labor and that my hands are now just as able with a keyboard and a trackpad as they once were with a brush and a roller. Dressing for work, when you have an "office job" is fun and remains one of my most favorite simple pleasures. Whenever I need to feel confident I choose clothes that I feel elevate me, and I will say I felt great in this outfit.

Since this was my first time teaching this particular group I wanted to keep it relatively casual so I wore grey high waisted skinny jeans from Pull&Bear. If you are 100lbs (45 kilos), with massive hips, a relatively small waist and are under 5 feet tall (150 cm) you should DEFINATELY CHECK OUT PULL&BEAR'S selection of jeans! I've found my jean Mecca and I will never go back! I'm fully joining the #embraceyourhips movement!

I also wore my new Gianni Marra hammered real leather boots. These are made in Italy by fine artisans and the construction and quality are perfect. I bought them on sale here and they are still available in this khaki green and in a dark forest green.

Lately, I've been buying bags and shoes that are not simply brown or black so that I have more flexibiity in how I style them.
My Shopping Bag
My midi sized "Shopper" bag is going to be a part of the new collection in a light pink champagne color and a "Winter Ivory" color. I was hoping to have the first new color bag ready for the Milan Fashion Week, but the metal loops and accessories are behind schedule....oh well c'es t la vie!

This Top
I love this top. It is 92% pure silk with a lycra blend to give it some stretch. It feels like pure heaven against my skin and the color is SO VIBRANT that it is impossible to go anywhere without being noticed. (I'm a Leo, so being noticed is always top priority!!)

This top is by the Paris based brand BGN and this exact tieneck blouse is still available on sale for $68 (marked down from $155) here. In the same orange silk the brand has also made a short sleeve blouse version (in Orange or light grey).
I was worried about being nervous in a silk blouse, but it is very breathable and made me feel absolutely confident for my first day of training.
My belt
My belt is part of the new collection, it is buckle-less, unisex and made with hand colored calf, a metal belt loop (created by artisans in Florence) and lined in soft bull leather.

I'd love to hear your #girlboss story! Thank you for reading along and thank you to the bloggers (11 so far!) who've been confirmed for co-hosting the new linkup that officially launches next week!!
& now....onto your style!

REASONS TO DRESS - An Italian Lifestyle Blog About Fashion, Travel & Life in Italy

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