Baseball Magazine

The Final Month Trivia

By Theomnipotentq @TheMightyQuinn
The Final Month TriviaTrivia will be happening this Tuesday, December 11th at 8:30 PM, with "December Trivia" as the Special Category. It will be seven questions connected to the month of December in history and pop culture. (There won't be any Christmas questions in this round. That's for another time.) The Q Train lightning round will be "Celebrity Real Names Trivia." I will give you the names of ten current celebrities and you have to tell me if they go by their real names or not.
The Sneak Peek question for this week is:
"The title song to the 1978 film 'Grease' was sung by what legendary American pop singer?"

We've had some great crowds the last few weeks for Trivia, so get in early to get a good seat or table! Looking forward to seeing many of you this Tuesday night!

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