Entertainment Magazine

The Fierce And The Dead: Photogenic Love

Posted on the 21 October 2022 by Hctf @hctf
The Fierce And The Dead: Photogenic Love

At first it sounds like English experimentalist quartet The Fierce And The Dead have embraced a leftfield version of Britpop on their new single Photogenic Love. Now that they have added vocals to their mix all bets of where they may go next are off. Kev Feazey even sounds a bit Jarvis Cocker in his phrasing now, but long time fans can rest assured when they unleash a barrage of guitars, bearing their signature avant-rock that has made them famous - or loved and cherished at least - in music geeks circles.

The Fierce And The Dead:
Kev Feazey: bass, synths, vocals
Matt Stevens: guitars, synths
Steve Cleaton: guitars, synths
Stuart Marshall: drums, percussion

Photogenic Love is released via Spencer Park Music. Buy it from their website. A "purist" instrumental remix and the previously unreleased ambient excursion Photopsychic Love - are up on there as well.

» fierceandthedead.com

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