Mr. Farmer went to the field happily while carrying his hoe on his shoulder."I am going to check my cucumber field, perhaps I canharvest them tomorrow",he said to himself.What a surprise when he arrived in hisfield and saw whathad happened, "What an unbelievablemess!" My cucumbers have been destroyed!, who has done it! With sad feeling, Mr. Farmer went home. He could only think what animal liked cucumber. "Yes! It must be "Si Kancil", the mousedeer", the farmer said. Mr. Farmer tried to look for a trick to trap the mousedeer. Then he had an idea to makea scare crow completed withvery sticky glue. By the end ofdusk, the scare crow had been ready and taken and set in the middle of the field.I know the mousedeer is a smart animal, he willmock this scarecrow butlet me see what is going to happen, the farmer thought. That's true, in the darkness of the night the smart mousedeer was coming toward the field.The mousedeer laughed to know there was a scare crow. "Just a scare crow,who is scared?" he said to himself.Then the mousedeer came and passed the sticky doll, but his behavior of rose. Ike hit the scare crow with his front legs. "Auch! Why have my legs stuck with it?" Hecried surprisingly. The sticky gluelaid on. it was so strong that he could not take his legs off. He could only cry all night long. The following daythe farmer came around the corner carryinga bar of bamboo stick forbeating. "Well, well, well, this is thetrouble maker, I catch you now!""Forgive me Mr. Farmer, I didn'truin your cucumber. I just ate two orthree cucumbers". The mousedeertold a lie. But Mr. Farmer didn'ttrust himanymore. Hebend the mousedeer anddragged him home. In the farmer's house,the mousedeer was put inside a chicken cage. "This stone is heavy enough, it isimpossible for you to slip off, I am going to the market to buy spicy". "Pleaseforgive me Mr. Farmer. don't eat me", the mousedeer cried. When Mr. Farmerwas away to the market, there was a dog coming toward the cage."Hey Cil, why are you caged?", the dog asked him."I'll become ason in law of Mr. Farmer", the mousedeer answered. "Yes Iam going to get married with his beautiful daughter", he added. "Where is Mr.Farmer now?" the dog asked. "He is shopping to prepare delicious food for abig party", the mousedeerexclaimed."It doesn't suit you. Your body is small. I will be better to replace you tobecome a son in lawof Mr. Farmer", the dog said."No way, no way! go away dirty dog", the mousedeerpretended.The dog suddenly groaming angrily. "If you don't want to bereplaced now,I will push the stone on top of the cage and I will bite you and break your neckoff, the dog said angrily."Easy boy ..., don't be like that. If you want it ... I will do what youwant". The mousedeer now felt that he could trick the dog successfully.The dog pushed the stone until it fell down off the cage. It made themousedeer could lift and open it easily. The mousedeer got out of the cagethen the dog got into the, cage."Congratulation on your becoming Mr. Farmer's son in law", the mousedeersaid and ran away satisfactorily.A few minutes later, Mr. Farmer came, he was surprised to see the doginside the cage instead of the mousedeer."My regard for you, my father in law, the dog said proudly", the mousedeerhas given his right to me to become your son in law. I am the strongest and themost courageous dog in this village"."Then, where is the mousedeer?" Mr. Farmer asked."He has gone to the jungle, Mr. Farmer. He is not suitable with yourbeautiful daughter. He is not handsome and he is not strong either, but I am",the dog replied."Do you want to become my son in law?" Mr. Farmer asked."Yes, Mr. Farmer", the dog answered happily."Now, get out of the cage thensit down sweetly, and close your eyes, I willcall my daughter", Mr. Farmer said. The dog waitednervously, then Mr. Farmercame back not with his daughter but with acudgel in his hand."This is a present for you", the farmer shouted angrily then hit the head andthe back of the dog hard till it cried in pain. "Please forgive me, Mr. Farmer, what's wrong with me, please don't hit me like that" the dog ran away creaming. Continued ......