Escape To Vampire Damby S.N. McKibbenGenre: Paranormal Romance

Noir Tekeste is one of a hand full of survivors that hasn't beenzombiefied living at Vampire Dam - a vampire protected human refugeecamp. Life is simple. Avoid zombies, make babies and donate blood.When Noir finds a note from her lost son she's determined to leavethe safety of Vampire Dam to find him. Armed with her wits, aflashlight and a vampire escort Noir finds more than zombies awaither on her quest.
Live the adventure in this Dark Heart Heroes Venture #1 a 20,000 wordshort storyGoodreads * Amazon

Jason leaped over the side of the bridge and disappeared.

Slave to a 100 lbs. GSD (German Shepard) and a computer she calls "Dave",you'll often see her riding a 19 hand Shire nicknamed "Gunny"to the local coffee shop near the Santa Monica mountains.
Stephanie reads for the love of words, and writes fiction about Dark Hearts andHeroes revolving around social taboos. When ever asked, she'll replyher whole life can be seen through a comic strip ~ sometimes twisted,sometimes funny but always beautiful and its title is adventure. Comeplay!Website * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Pinterest * Tumblr * YoutubeAmazon * Goodreads * RSS Feed