There numerous workout routines that can help you develop body strength. However, not all of them are safe for your nervous system. One of the workout routines to avoid is what is commonly known as deadlifting.
Studies indicate that deadlifting is the form of lifting that has the most negative effect on your central nervous system In fact, if you perform this routine without proper care; you may not be able to perform other workout routines for a whole week. Hence, unless you have a resilient nervous system, it is advisable that you avoid taking your deadlifting too far.
In this post, we will take a quick look at how deadlifting negatively affects your nervous system.
Why you should exercise caution when deadlifting
There is a good reason why athletes avoid pushing too hard on deadlifting before their prime performance. In fact, they abstain completely from performing this drill for a minimum of seven days before their performance. In most cases, they simply stick to a highly intense squatting routine once they are seven days away from their performance.
We understand the satisfaction and thrill that comes with pushing yourself hard to a good deadlift. However, this will negatively affect your performance for a few days or weeks. Never forget that you need great workout routines to experience optimal gains. This implies that using one heavy deadlifting as a replacement for three or four workout routines in a week will not be good for your body over time. Visit to learn more.
One of the things you may want to know is why squatting has fewer negative effects on the central nervous system than deadlifting. I mean, it is obvious that both routines make use of almost the same muscle mass amount, isn’t it? Here are a few reasons why:
- DEADLIFTING PLACES A HUGE DEMAND ON THE STRENGTH OF YOUR GRIP: One of the fastest ways you can measure how badly your central nervous system is worn out is a decline in the strength of your grip. This implies that any workout that places a huge demand on the strength of your grip is also placing a huge demand on your nervous system. One way that you can reduce the effect of deadlifting on the strength of your grip is by using straps whenever you perform one. This will allow you to do more while placing less demand on your nervous system.
- DEADLIFTING INCREASES THE LOAD ON YOUR SPINE: I know you may be a little startled at this tip since it is obvious that low-bar squatting routine places a demand on your spine. However, deadlifting enhances axial loading (loading on your spine) more than any squatting routine. If you still wish to go ahead with deadlifting, you should consider a sumo deadlift as it places less load on your spine than the traditional deadlifting.
- DEADLIFTING BEGINS FROM A BODY POSTURE THAT IS COMMONLY REFERRED TO AS “DEAD START”: It is always safer to begin workouts gradually. This often allows your body to gradually adjust to more demanding routines. However, this is not possible when deadlifting. In deadlifting, you begin by placing a huge demand on your body. This is not a healthy way to perform workout routines. A great tip to help reduce this demand and make room for your body to adjust to intense routines is to perform simple stretch routines before you begin deadlifting.
Deadlifting may be satisfying; however, if you push your body too far without the tips given above, you may risk affecting your nervous system negatively.