This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The Author will be awarding one paperback copy of The Darkest War to a randomly drawn winner, One deluxe swag pack including paperclip bookmark, The Darkest War candle holder, paper bookmark, postcard, and playing cards will be awarded to another randomly drawn winner and One swag pack including book mark, postcard, and playing cards will be awarded to one more randomly drawn winner. All prizes will be awarded via the rafflecopter at the end of this post during the tour and are US ONLY. Please click the tour banner at the top to see other stops on this tour.
Enjoy an excerpt:Tenna Massey hoped for a break after killing her possessed ex-husband, but the demons have other ideas. She thought her first Hunt was difficult; just wait until she sees what the demons have in store for her now. The latest attack on her points to someone she knows, causing her to doubt her relationships with her soul mate, Jason, and the rest of her newly adopted family.
While Tenna wades through all the new information, trying to learn whether one of her own has betrayed her, the entire family is on edge with the arrival of an enemy clan of Shifters, the same Shifters responsible for the slaughter of Jason’s entire family and tribe. Everything is hitting too close to home.
The closer Tenna gets to finding the demon doing everything it can to be the one to end the reign of the Huntress, the more she realizes it is, indeed, someone she loves. Sometimes the dead don’t stay dead.
A man close to Russell’s size stepped forward, staring down at her, a smirk playing at his thin lips. “You’re the Huntress?” The tone in his voice showed he was doubtful. He snickered and glanced over his shoulder at his buddies. They rolled their eyes at him, and then began to make their way down the walkway heading toward Stacy. Luckily for the women there were only three of them. Tenna could easily take care of the asshole standing over her and Stacy was always good for a fight. At six feet tall she was as large as most men and more capable of holding her own than just about anyone Tenna had ever encountered.
That feeling of confidence lasted about, oh, thirty seconds; four more Shifters filed into the media room and each was large enough to dwarf Tenna. Hell, a couple of them were bigger than Stacy. She needed to see Stacy, see if the woman was as scared as she was. But there was no way Tenna was going to turn her back on any of these guys.
“I asked you a question, bitch. Are you the Huntress?”
Tenna stared up at the man and tried her damnedest to commit every physical attribute to memory. If they got out of this alive she wanted this man to get a good ass kicking…herself being the kicker.

CL Parks has had a passion for writing since reading Charlotte’s Web in kindergarten. After rewriting the ending to gift Charlotte with immortal life she became obsessed. Her tastes quickly moved from sweet and innocent to the supernatural after reading Stephen King in fifth grade. Since the moment she picked up Pet Semetary she devoured every supernatural and preternatural book she could get her hands on by authors ranging from Anne Rice to Stephanie Rowe.
When not fully engulfed in the latest release or typing away at her newest novel you can find her corralling her chickens, playing with her dogs, spoiling her large lizard or sewing a new vintage inspired dress. Her dream is to travel the country in an RV with her husband while writing more books…after the kids have gone on to college, of course.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/CL-Parks/361371153873?ref=br_tf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/clparks05
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4740652.C_L_Parks
Blog: http://traditionalhousewifeagainsttheworld.blogspot.com/
Barnes & Noble –
She Who Hunts (Book 1): http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/she-who-hunts-cl-parks/1104972099?ean=9781940315508
The Darkest War (Book 2): http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-darkest-war-cl-parks/1120325211?ean=2940150711983
Amazon –
She Who Hunts (Book 1) - http://www.amazon.com/She-Who-Hunts-C-L-Parks/dp/1940315506/ref=la_B004SZI7V2_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1410444464&sr=1-1
The Darkest War (Book 2): http://www.amazon.com/Darkest-War-C-L-Parks-ebook/dp/B00NFUV4CA/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1410444413&sr=1-1
The Author will be awarding one paperback copy of The Darkest War to a randomly drawn winner, One deluxe swag pack including paperclip bookmark, The Darkest War candle holder, paper bookmark, postcard, and playing cards will be awarded to another randomly drawn winner and One swag pack including book mark, postcard, and playing cards will be awarded to one more randomly drawn winner. All prizes will be awarded via the rafflecopter at the end of this post during the tour and are US ONLY.
a Rafflecopter giveaway