The Cookie Connection: Deliver a batch of baking once a week to a neighbor in your street and make some connections in your neighbourhood.
Within 4 weeks we had delivered a batch of biscuits to every house on our street - turns out there are exactly 52!
Cards and gifts started arriving - we were gobsmacked! Such lovely words and lovely things - baking, calenders, chocolate, hand-knitted toys for the girls!!! Each little card and item got me everytime. Not to mention all the personal interactions along the way.
The power we hold to make a difference in our communities and in our own lives is truly amazing. A simple batch of biscuits, a little note and a smiley delivery has brought so much joy to us, and it would appear to many on our street too.
It's been such a rewarding experience and we still enjoy waving and saying hi to our 'neighbours'. The girls were a bit distraught that we'd finished our street and want to expand our "catchment area"! If we ever move into a new area - guess what? We will be doing it again!
Thanks Lisa for instigating such a simple and lovely project!
Have a happy week cyber-neighbours!
L xx
You can read about Part 1 and Part 2 here.