Entertainment Magazine

The Conjuring Movie Review

Posted on the 27 August 2013 by Zeusdreamcaster @rhmadi

1044206_545052555556661_1884894832_nLast night I watched the premiere show for the new horror/thriller movieThe Conjuring” at VOX cinemas at Beirut City Center, and I completely fell in love with the story.

Having watched the trailer few weeks before, I was interested in watching this movie in particular as I have a passion for ghosts and demons stories (especially those that involve dead children

). When watching the trailer I did not care much about the based on a true story part, as much I was interested in seeing who the demon will be. However, during the show, I was overwhelmed with the fact that this story is a real story about the Perron family in their Rhode Island haunted house and the help they received from the well known demonologists Ed and Lorraine Warren.

The movie builds up slowly starting with strange occurrences, such as sounds, at 3:07 am, until it reaches grabbing and pushing the Perron family members.

One of the Perron's daughters sees the demon standing behind the door of her bedroom.

One of the Perron’s daughters sees the demon standing behind the door of her bedroom.

After the events become more revengeful and serious, the Perron family decide to get professional help from famous demonologists called Ed and Lorraine Warren. The latter explain to the family how hateful and dangerous is the spirit residing in their house.

At later stages of the movie we discover the history of the demon and how much powerful it is. And here the demonologists play a critical role in helping the Perron family get rid of it after it inhabits the Perron wife, Carolyn.

Lorraine Warren helping her husband in exorcising the demon.

Lorraine Warren helping her husband in exorcising the demon.

The evil spirit taking over Carolyn's body to achieve its demonic goals.

The evil spirit taking over Carolyn’s body to achieve its demonic goals.

In addittion to the curious case of the Perron family that this movie shows, another very interesting and mysterious case is revealed which is that of the haunted doll Anabelle.

This is not the real Anabelle doll. It is made scarier to fit more the movie.

This is not the real Anabelle doll. It is made scarier to fit more the movie.

the Anabelle doll holds a creepy mysterious story that is discussed a little bit at the beginning of the movie. In the movie, the doll is shown to be locked inside a glass cabinet in Warren’s occult museum at their house in Connecticut. Till today, the doll is still locked and the whole museum is open for the public.

The Conjuring Movie Review

The real Anabelle doll sitting still in Warren’s Occult Museum in their house in Connecticut.

The Conjuring Movie Review

Lorraine Wanner holding the real Anabelle doll after they received it.

In the end, I highly recommend “The Conjuring” for those that are addicted to horror/thriller movies. It will leave you speechless!

The fairy tale is true. The devil does exist. God indeed exists. And for us, as people, our very destiny hinges upon which one we elect to follow.” – Ed Warren

Blessed Be )O(


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